Relational Data

Relational Data#

Table of Contents#



  • [ h ][ d ][ w ] Apache Derby

  • [ h ][ d ][ w ] Duckdb

  • [ h ][ d ][ w ] MySQL

  • [ h ][ d ][ w ] PostgreSQL

  • [ h ][ d ][ w ] SQLite


  • [ h ][ g ] Sakila sample database

  • [ h ][ g ] SQLZoo


  • freeCodeCamp

    • [Y ] freeCodeCamp. (21 Apr 2021). “UML Diagrams Full Course (Unified Modeling Language)”. YouTube.

  • Decomplexify

    • [Y ] Decomplexify. (25 Jan 2022). “Learn Byce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)”. YouTube.

  • more

    • [ y ] 11-22-2023. PlanetScale. “You don’t always need JOINs”.



  • [ h ] Maier, David. (1983). The Theory of Relational Databases.


  • Beaulieu, Alan. (2020). Learning SQL: Generate, Manipulate, and Retrieve Data, 3rd Ed. O’Reilly.

  • [ h ][ g ] DeBarros, Anthony. (2022). Practical SQL: A Beginner’s Guide to Storytelling with Data. 2nd Ed. No Starch Press.

  • Kline, Kevin; Regina O. Obe; & Leo S. Hsu. (2022). SQL in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference. 4th Ed. O’Reilly.

  • Molinaro, Anthony & Robert de Graaf. (2020). SQL Cookbook: Query Solutions and Techniques for All SQL Users, 2nd Ed. O’Reilly.

  • Tanimura, Cathy. (2021). SQL for Data Analysis: Advanced Techniques for Transforming Data into Insights. O’Reilly.

  • Zhao, Alice. (2021). SQL Pocket Guide: A Guide to SQL Usage, 4th Ed. O’Reilly.


  • [ w ] 1947----- Chen, Peter

  • [ w ] 1923-2003 Codd, Edgar

  • [ w ] 1943----- Darwen, Hugh

  • [ w ] 1941----- Date, Chris

  • [ w ] 1806-1871 De Morgan, Augustus

  • [ w ] 1963----- Fowler, Martin

  • [ w ] 1839-1914 Peirce, Charles Sanders


  • [ w ] Aggregate Function

  • [ w ] Alias

  • [ w ] Associative Entity

  • [ w ] Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

  • [ w ] Barker’s Notation

  • [ w ] Block Contention

  • [ w ] Candidate Key

  • [ w ] Cardinality

  • [ w ] Check Constraint

  • [ w ] Codd’s Theorem

  • [ w ] Column-Oriented DBMS

  • [ w ] column-oriented database management systems

  • [ w ] Composite Key

  • [ w ] Compound Key

  • [ w ] Conceptual Schema

  • [ w ] Conjunctive Query

  • [ w ] Cross Join

  • [ w ] Cursor

  • [ w ] Data Control Language

  • [ w ] Data Definition Language (DDL)

  • [ w ] Data Dictionary

  • [ w ] Data Manipulation Language (DML)

  • [ w ] Data Query Language (DQL)

  • [ w ] Data Structure Diagram

  • [ w ] Database Theory

  • [ w ] Delete

  • [ w ] Denormalization

  • [ w ] Domain Relational Calculus

  • [ w ] Entity-Relationship Model

  • [ w ] Equi Join

  • [ w ] Expressive Power

  • [ w ] Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)

  • [ w ] Foreign Key

  • [ w ] From

  • [ w ] Full Outer Join

  • [ w ] Group By

  • [ w ] Hash Join

  • [ w ] Having

  • [ w ] Inner Join

  • [ w ] Insert

  • [ w ] Isolation

  • [ w ] Join

  • [ w ] Left (Outer) Join

  • [ w ] Logical Schema

  • [ w ] Lookup Table

  • [ w ] Lossless Join Decomposition

  • [ w ] Many-to-Many

  • [ w ] Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC)

  • [ w ] Natural Join

  • [ w ] Natural Key

  • [ w ] Nested Loop Join

  • [ w ] Non-Blocking

  • [ w ] Non-Lock Concurrency Control

  • [ w ] Normalization

  • [ w ] Null

  • [ w ] Object-Role Modeling

  • [ w ] One-to-Many

  • [ w ] One-to-One

  • [ w ] Optimistic Concurrency Control

  • [ w ] Order By

  • [ w ] Outer Join

  • [ w ] Physical Schema

  • [ w ] Primary Key

  • [ w ] Projection

  • [ w ] Propagation Constraint

  • [ w ] Query Optimization

  • [ w ] Query Plan

  • [ w ] Referential Integrity

  • [ w ] Relation

  • [ w ] Relation Calculus

  • [ w ] Relation Composition

  • [ w ] Relation Converse

  • [ w ] Relational Algebra

  • [ w ] Relational Calculus

  • [ w ] Relational Database

  • [ w ] Relational Logic

  • [ w ] Relational Model

  • [ w ] Relvar

  • [ w ] Result Set

  • [ w ] Right (Outer) Join

  • [ w ] Schema

  • [ w ] Select

  • [ w ] Selection

  • [ w ] Snapshot Isolation

  • [ w ] Sort-Merge Join

  • [ w ] SQL:1999

  • [ w ] SQL:2003

  • [ w ] SQL:2008

  • [ w ] SQL:2011

  • [ w ] SQL:2016

  • [ w ] SQL-92

  • [ w ] Super Key

  • [ w ] Surrogate Key

  • [ w ] Table

  • [ w ] Three-Schema Approach

  • [ w ] Transaction

  • [ w ] Transaction Processing

  • [ w ] Trigger

  • [ w ] Truncate

  • [ w ] Tuple

  • [ w ] Tuple Relational Calculus

  • [ w ] Unified Modeling Language (UML)

  • [ w ] Unique Key

  • [ w ] Unit of Work

  • [ w ] Update

  • [ w ] View

  • [ w ] View Model

  • [ w ] Weak Entity

  • [ w ] Where