Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality#

Table of Contents#


  • [ h ][ w ] Blender

  • [ h ][ w ] Oculus

  • [ h ][ w ] Unity

  • [ h ][ w ] Unreal


  • [ y ] 2022. “Augmented Reality for Everyone - Full Course”.

  • [ y ] 2021. “Learn Unity - Beginner’s Game Development Tutorial”.


  • Bourg, David M. & Bryan Bywalec. (2013). Physics for Game Developers: Science, Math, and Code for Realistic Effects. 2nd Ed. O’Reilly.

  • Pangilinan, Erin; Steve Lukas; & Vasanth Mohan. (2019). Creating Augmented & Virtual Realities: Theory & Practice for Next-Generation Spatial Computing. O’Reilly.

  • Scopatz, Anthony & Kathryn D. Huff. (2015). Effective Computation in Physics: Field Guide to Research with Python. O’Reilly.


  • [ w ] Ambient Computing

  • [ w ] AR Augmented Reality

  • [ w ] Cross Reality

  • [ w ] XR Extended Reality

  • [ w ] Haptics

  • [ w ] HCC Human-Centered Computing

  • [ w ] HCI Human Computer Interaction

  • [ w ] MAR Mixed and Augmented Reality

  • [ w ] MR Mixed Reality

  • [ w ] Reality-Virtuality Continuum

  • [ w ] Spatial Computing

  • [ w ] Transreality Game

  • [ w ] Ubiquitous Computing

  • [ w ] VR Virtual Reality

  • [ w ] VR Headset

  • [ w ] Virtual World

  • [ w ] Virtuality

  • [ w ] Wearable Computing