Philosophy of Biology

Philosophy of Biology#


  • MIT Open Courseware’s Systems Biology Fall 2014

  • “The math of Living Things” article

Programmable Artificial Life.

  • [ y ] 07-10-2023. “Isotropic Neural Cellular Automata”.

  • [ y ] 12-23-2022. “Particle Lenia”.

Tom Mohr

  • [ y ] 04-16-2023. “The code behind Particle Life”.

  • [ y ] 12-08-2022. “How Particle Life emerges from simplicity”.

[ y ] 05-28-2023. Birdbrain. “Lenia - Artificial Life from Algorithms”.



  • [W] Darwin, Charles (1809-1882)

  • [W] Dawkins, Richard (1941-)

  • [W] Godfrey-Smith, Peter (1965-)

  • [W] Gould, Stephen Jay (1941-2002)

  • [W] Grosholz, Emily (1950-)

  • [W] Hull, David (1935-2010)

  • [W] Huxley, Julian (1887-1975)

  • [W] Keller, Evelyn Fox (1936-)

  • [W] Turing, Alan (1912-1952)

  • [W] Wilson, Edward (1929-2021)


  • [W] Abiogenesis

  • [W] Allopoiesis

  • [W] Artificial Life

  • [W] Autopoiesis

  • [W] Biochemsitry

  • [W] Biocybernetics

  • [W] Bioinformatics

  • [W] Biological Organization

  • [W] Biological Structuralism

  • [W] Biomimetics

  • [W] Bionics

  • [W] Biosemiotics

  • [W] Biosphere

  • [W] Biotechnology

  • [W] Cellular Senescence

  • [W] Chemoton

  • [W] Collective Intelligence

  • [W] Complex System

  • [W] DNA Computing

  • [W] Élan Vital

  • [W] Emergence

  • [W] Feedback

  • [W] Gaia Hypothesis

  • [W] Gene Ontology

  • [W] Holobiont

  • [W] Hologenome Theory of Evolution

  • [W] Homeostasis

  • [W] Lotka-Volterra Equations

  • [W] Mathematical Biology

  • [W] Molecular Biology

  • [W] Morphogenesis

  • [W] Negligible Senescence

  • [W] Organismic Computing

  • [W] Patterns in Nature

  • [W][S] Philosophy of Biology

  • [W] Quorum Sensing

  • [W] Reaction-Diffusion

  • [W] Senescence

  • [W] Stigmergy

  • [W] Superorganism

  • [W] Symmetry in Biology

  • [W] Synergy

  • [W] Systems Biology

  • [W] Systems Theory

  • [W] Swarm Intelligence

  • [W] Tensegrity

  • [W] Turing Pattern

  • [W] Vitalism