Distributed Systems

Distributed Systems#

Table of Contents#


Tools & Technologies

  • [ h ] Apache Spark

  • [ h ] Dask

  • [ h ] Rapids


  • [ y ] 10-21-2016. Distributed Systems Course. “L6: Byzantine Fault Tolerance”.



  • [ g ] Chambers, Bill & Matei Zaharia. (2018). Spark: The Definitive Guide: Big Data Processing Made Simple. O’Reilly.

  • Dean, Jeffrey & Sanjay Ghemawat. (2004). “MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters”.

  • Damji, Jules S. et al. (2020). Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics, 2nd Ed. O’Reilly.

  • Karau, Holden & Rachel Warren. (2017). High Performance Spark: Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark. O’Reilly.

  • [ g ] Parsian, Mahmoud. (2021). Data Algorithms with Spark: Recipes and Design Patterns for Scaling Up using PySpark. O’Reilly.

  • [ g ] Ryza, Sandy et al. (2017). Advanced Analytics with Spark: Patterns for Learning from Data at Scale, 2nd Ed. O’Reilly.

  • [ g ] Thomas, Alex. (2020). Natural Language Processing with Spark NLP: Learning to Understand Text at Scale. O’Reilly.


  • [ w ] Asynchronous Network

  • [ w ] Asynchronous System

  • [ w ] Atomic Broadcast

  • [ w ] Big Data [ i ]

  • [ w ] Broadcast

  • [ w ] Byzantine Broadcast

  • [ w ] Byzantine Fault

  • [ w ] Byzantine Fault Tolerance

  • [ w ] Classical Consensus

  • [ w ] Client Puzzle Protocol

  • [ w ] Clock Synchronization

  • [ w ] Communication Protocol

  • [ w ] Computer Cluster

  • [ w ] Computer Network

  • [ w ] Connectionism

  • [ w ] Consensus [ i ]

  • [ w ] Cryptographic Primitive

  • [ w ] Dining Philosophers Problem

  • [ w ] Distributed Algorithm

  • [ w ] Distributed Computation

  • [ w ] Distributed Database

  • [ w ] Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

  • [ w ] Distributed Memory

  • [ w ] Distributed Networking

  • [ w ] Distributed OS

  • [ w ] Dolev-Strong Protocol

  • [ w ] Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

  • [ w ] FLP Impossibility

  • [ w ] High-Performance Computation

  • [ w ] HotStuff Protocol

  • [ w ] Leader Election

  • [ w ] Load Balancing

  • [ w ] Merkle Tree

  • [ w ] Message Passing

  • [ w ] Message-Oriented Middleware

  • [ w ] MapReduce

  • [ w ] Metcalfe’s Law

  • [ w ] Nakamoto Consensus

  • [ w ] Network Calculus

  • [ w ] Obelisk Consensus [ i ]

  • [ w ] PageRank

  • [ w ] Parallel Computation

  • [ w ] Parallel Distributed Processing

  • [ w ] Paxos

  • [ w ] Process Calculus

  • [ w ] Quantum Byzantine Agreement

  • [ w ] Queueing Theory

  • [ w ] Shard

  • [ w ] State Machine Replication

  • [ w ] Streamlet Protocol

  • [ w ] Synchronization

  • [ w ] Synchronizer

  • [ w ] Synchronous Network

  • [ w ] Time Server

  • [ w ] Unbounded Nondeterminism

  • [ w ] Validator

  • [ w ] Vector Addition System