Distributed Systems#
[ geeksforgeeks ] “Birman Schiper Stephenson Protocol”
[ geeksforgeeks ] “Causal Ordering of Messages in Distributed System”
[ geeksforgeeks ] “Schiper Eggli Sandoz Protocol”
Tools & Technologies#
Eric O Meehan
[ y ]
Eric O Meehan. “Creating a Peer to Peer Network in C”.
Martin Kleppmann
[ y ]
Martin Kleppmann. “Distributed Systems 4.2: Broadcast ordering”.[ y ]
Martin Kleppmann. “Distributed Systems 4.1: Logical time”.[ y ]
Martin Kleppmann. “Distributed Systems 3.2: Clock synchronisation”.
[ y ]
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Van Steen, Maarten & Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Distributed Systems. 4e. https://www.distributed-systems.net/index.php/books/ds4/.
Coulouris, George et al. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Designs. 5e. Pearson.
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Dean, Jeffrey & Sanjay Ghemawat. (2004). “MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters”.
Damji, Jules S. et al. (2020). Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics, 2nd Ed. O’Reilly.
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Cohen, Bram & Krzysztof Pietrzak. (2019). “The Chia Network Blockchain”.
Danezis, George & David Hrycyszyn. (2018). “Blockmania: from Block DAGs to Consensus”.
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Keidar, Idit & Alexander Shraer. (2006). “Timeliness, Failure-Detectors, and Consensus Performance”
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Sonnino, Alberto & George Danezis. (2019). “SybilQuorum: open Distributed Ledgers Through Trust Networks”.
Vishnumurthy, Vivek, Sangeeth Chandrakumar, & Emin Gün Sirer. “KARMA: A Secure Economic Framework for Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing”.
Yu, Mingchao et al. (2019). “Coded Merkle Tree: Solving Data Availability Attacks in Blockchains”.
Pre-Bitcoin PoW non-economic application Paper
Pre-Bitcoin PoW economic application Paper
Ghost Protocol Paper
[ w ] Berkeley Algorithm
[ w ] Clock Skew
[ w ] Clock Synchronization
[ w ] Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
[ w ] Cristian’s Algorithm
[ w ] End-to-End Delay
[ w ] Happened-Before
[ w ] International Atomic Time (TAI)
[ w ] Lamport Timestamp
[ w ] Leap Second
[ w ] Logical Clock
[ w ] Minimum-Pairs
[ w ] Network Time Protocol (NTP)
[ w ] Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
[ w ] Reference Broadcast Synchronization (RBS)
[ w ] Round-Trip Time (RTT)
[ w ] Universal Time (UT1)
[ w ] Vector Clock
[ w ] Busy-Waiting
[ w ] Concurrency Control
[ w ] Concurrent Computing
[ w ] Context Switch
[ w ] Critical Section
[ w ] Database Transaction Scheduling
[ w ] Deadlock
[ w ] Interrupt
[ w ] Interrupt Handler
[ w ] Kernel Preemption
[ w ] Linearizability
[ w ] Liveness
[ w ] Load-Link/Store-Conditional
[ w ] Lock
[ w ] Maekawa’s Algorithm
[ w ] Mutual Exclusion
[ w ] Non Blocking
[ w ] Preemption
[ w ] Process Control Block (PCB)
[ w ] Process Migration
[ w ] Race Condition
[ w ] Raymond’s Algorithm
[ w ] Semaphore
[ w ] Sequential Algorithm
[ w ] Shared Memory
[ w ] Shared Resource
[ w ] Spinlock
[ w ] Starvation
[ w ] Synchronization
[ w ] Thread
[ w ] Thread-Local Storage
[ w ] Asynchronous Network
[ w ] Asynchronous System
[ w ] Atomic Broadcast
[ w ] Broadcast
[ w ] Byzantine Broadcast
[ w ] Byzantine Fault
[ w ] Byzantine Fault Tolerance
[ w ] Classical Consensus
[ w ] Client Puzzle Protocol
[ w ] Clock Synchronization
[ w ] Communication Protocol
[ w ] Computer Cluster
[ w ] Computer Network
[ w ] Connectionism
[ w ] Cryptographic Primitive
[ w ] Dining Philosophers Problem
[ w ] Distributed Algorithm
[ w ] Distributed Computation
[ w ] Distributed Database
[ w ] Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
[ w ] Distributed Memory
[ w ] Distributed Networking
[ w ] Distributed OS
[ w ] Dolev-Strong Protocol
[ w ] Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
[ w ] FLP Impossibility
[ w ] High-Performance Computation
[ w ] HotStuff Protocol
[ w ] Leader Election
[ w ] Load Balancing
[ w ] Lockstep
[ w ] Merkle Tree
[ w ] Message Passing
[ w ] Message-Oriented Middleware
[ w ] MapReduce
[ w ] Metcalfe’s Law
[ w ] Nakamoto Consensus
[ w ] Network Calculus
[ w ] Obelisk Consensus [ i ]
[ w ] PageRank
[ w ] Parallel Computation
[ w ] Parallel Distributed Processing
[ w ] Paxos
[ w ] Process Calculus
[ w ] Quantum Byzantine Agreement
[ w ] Queueing Theory
[ w ] Reliable Multicast
[ w ] Shard
[ w ] State Machine Replication
[ w ] Streamlet Protocol
[ w ] Synchronization
[ w ] Synchronizer
[ w ] Synchronous Network
[ w ] Time Server
[ w ] Unbounded Nondeterminism
[ w ] Validator
[ w ] Vector Addition System