

LING 497 Phonetic Analysis: Articulation, Acoustics, Audition

The Pennsylvania State University

Prof. Deborah Morton

Based on Johnson, Keith. (2012). Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics. 3rd Ed. Wiley-Blackwell.


25 May 2023



  • Baayen, R. H. (2008). Analyzing Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to Statistics using R. Cambridge University Press.

  • [ h ] Bäckström, Tom et al. (2022). Introduction to Speech Processing. 2e.

  • Hammond, Michael. (2020). Python for Linguists. Cambridge University Press.

  • Johnson, Keith. (2012). Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics. 3rd Ed. Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Johnson, Keith. (2008). Quantitative Methods in Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.

  • [W] Labov, William; Sharon Ash; & Charles Boberg. (2006). The Atlas of North American English. Berlin: Mouton-de Gruyter.

  • [W] Ladefoged, Peter & Keith Johnson. (2014). A Course in Phonetics. Cengage. Home.

  • [W] Ladefoged, Peter & Ian Maddieson. (1996). The Sounds of the World’s Languages. Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Reetz, Henning; & Allard Jongman. (2020). Phonetics: Transcription, Production, Acoustics, and Perception. 2nd Ed. Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Winter, Bodo. (2019). Statistics for Linguists: An Introduction Using R. Routledge.


International Phonetic Association

The Speech Accent Archive

Penn Linguistics - TELSUR & Atlas North American English

R lang


  • Boersma, Paul & David Weenink. Praat: doing phonetics by computer.

  • UCLA’s Praat script resources

  • [Y] Ian Wilson. (04 Jan 2018). “Praat - Creating a Formant Object”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Ian Wilson. (21 Dec 2017). “Praat - Manipulation of Pitch and Duration”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Ian Wilson. (14 Dec 2017). “TextGrid_Script”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Ian Wilson. (07 Dec 2017). “Praat functions - #1-10”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Ian Wilson. (21 Jun 2017). “Praat - recording, saving, playing, and zooming”. YouTube.





  • [S] Auditory Perception

  • [S] Sounds