Notebook Programming#

Table of Contents#


[ d ] Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code

  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] Jupyter

    • [ d ] Get Started

    • [ d ] Architecture

  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] IPython

    • [ d ] Kernels for Conda environments

  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] Jupyter Lab

    • [ d ] Displaying Hidden Files

    • [ d ] Jupyter Extensions

  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] Jupyter Notebook

    • [ d ] The Jupyter Notebook

    • [ d ] Edit Mode and Command Mode

    • [ d ] Command Mode Shortcuts

    • [ d ] Importing Jupyter Notebook as Modules

    • [ d ] Troubleshooting Jupyter

    • [ d ] Troubleshooting Jupyter: Windows

  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] Jupyter Server

  • nbformat

    • [ d ] The Jupyter Notebook Format

  • [ h ] Binder

  • [ d ] ipyparallel

  • [ d ] ipywidgets

  • [ d ] Voila




  • ~/.ipython

  • ~/.jupyter

Jupyter Notebook Shortcuts in Visual Studio Code#

Open the command pallette (Cmd-Shift-P (macoS) or Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows)) and search for Open Keyboard Shortcuts.






Move the current cell below the cell below (i.e., swap them) (Windows)



Run the current cell and create a new cell below (Windows)



Move the current cell above the cell above (i.e., swap them) (Windows)



Filter (macOS)



Run the current cell



Filter (Windows)



Save the notebook


Select the cell below the current cell


Switch to Edit Mode


Switch to Command Mode



Move the current cell below the cell below (i.e., swap them) (macOS)



Run the current cell and create a new cell below (macOS)



Move the current cell above the cell above (i.e., swap them) (macOS)



Run the current cell and advance to the next cell



Toggle line numbering for the entire notebook (when in command mode)



paste above ???


Select consecutive cells


Select the cell above the current cell

Command Mode

  • a create a new cell above the current cell

  • b create a new cell below the current cell

  • c copy the current cell

  • j select the cell below the current cell

  • k select the cell above the current cell

  • l enable/disable line numbering in a code cell

  • m convert the current cell to a markdown cell

  • v paste the previously copied cell below the current cell

  • y convert the current cell to a code cell

  • x or dd delete the current cell

  • z undo previous cell operation

Managing Jupyter Kernels#

List Jupyter kernels.

jupyter kernelspec list

1 - Activate the Conda environment that you want to make a Jupyter kernel.

conda activate my_conda_env

2 - Notice how the default Jupyter kernel path changes to the activated Conda environment. This is why the default Jupyter kernel “Python 3 (IPyKernel)” depends on the underlying Conda environment.

jupyter kernelspec list

3 - Make your Conda environment a new Jupyter kernel.

python -m ipykernel install --user --name my_conda_env

4 - Verify the successful creation of the new Jupyter kernel.

jupyter kernelspec list

Delete a Jupyter kernel.

jupyter kernelspec remove my_conda_env

Command Reference#

jupyter --version jupyter lab --version
jupyter notebook --version

jupyter lab

  • jupyter lab -h How do I use command jupyter lab?

  • jupyter lab --version What is the Jupyter Lab version?

  • jupyter lab Launch Jupyter Lab.

  • jupyter lab list Which Jupyter Lab servers are currently running?

  • jupyter lab path or jupyter lab paths Where are the Jupyter Lab configuration directories located in the filesystem?

  • jupyter lab build -h How do I use command jupyter lab build?

  • jupyter lab clean -h How do I use command jupyter lab clean?

  • jupyter lab --notebook-dir=.

jupyter lab --ContentsManager.allow_hidden=True &>> .jupyter.log &

jupyter labextension

  • jupyter labextension -h How do I use command jupyter labextension?

  • jupyter labextension --version What is the version?

  • jupyter labextension list Which Jupyter Lab extensions are currently configured?

jupyter notebook

  • jupyter notebook -h How do I use command jupyter notebook?

  • jupyter notebook --version What is the Jupyter Notebook version?

  • jupyter notebook Launch Jupyter Notebook.

  • jupyter notebook list Which Jupyter Notebook servers are currently running?

  • jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=.

jupyter nbextension

  • jupyter nbextension -h How do I use command jupyter nbextension?

  • jupyter nbextension --version What is the version?

  • jupyter nbextension list Which Jupyter Notebook extensions are currently configured?


  • jupyter -h How do I use command jupyter?

  • jupyter --version What is the Jupyter version?

  • jupyter --config-dir Where is the Jupyter configuration directory located in the filesystem?

  • jupyter --data-dir Where is the Jupyter data directory located in the filesystem?

  • jupyter --runtime-dir Where is the Jupyter runtime directory located in the filesystem?

jupyter kernelspec

  • jupyter kernelspec -h How do I use command jupyter kernelspec?

  • jupyter kernelspec --version What is the version?

  • jupyter kernelspec list Which kernels are currently available?

jupyter server

  • jupyter server -h How do I use command jupyter server?

  • jupyter server --version What is the Jupyter Server version?

  • jupyter server list Which Jupyter servers are currently running?

  • jupyter server extension list or jupyter lab extension list Which Jupyter Server extensions are currently configured?


  • ipython -h How do I use command ipython?

  • ipython -V What is the IPython version?

  • ipython locate Print the path to the IPython directory.

Exporting Jupyter notebook files as python files#

[ d ] Visual Studio Code’s Export your Jupyter Notebook: Export

Jupyter Lab: File -> Export Notebook As... -> Export Notebook to Executable Script.

Jupyter Notebook: File -> Download as -> Python (.py).

Google Colab#


  • [ d ] Overview of Colaboratory Features

  • [ d ] Markdown Guide

  • [ d ] Charts in Colaboratory

  • [ d ] External data: Local Files, Drive, Sheets, and Cloud Storage

  • [ d ] Getting started with BigQuery

  • [ d ] Forms

  • [ d ] Data Table

  • [ d ] Accessing files

  • [ d ] Advanced Outputs

  • [ d ] Altair

  • [ d ] BigQuery

  • [ d ] Google Drive

  • [ d ] Saving Data to Google Cloud Storage

  • [ d ] Forms snippets

  • [ d ] Importing libraries

  • [ d ] Google Sheets

Apache Spark, PostgreSQL, & Google Colab#

#     Find the latest versions of
#        Spark & Hadoop: (
#        Postgres driver:

import os
os.environ['HADOOP_VERSION']   = hadoop_version   = 'hadoop3'
os.environ['SPARK_VERSION']    = spark_version    = 'spark-3.5.0'
os.environ['POSTGRES_VERSION'] = postgres_version = 'postgresql-42.6.0'
#     it should not be necessary to modify code below this point

# Install Java
! apt install openjdk-11-jdk-headless > /dev/null
os.environ['JAVA_HOME']  = '/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64'

# Install Spark
os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = f'/content/{spark_version}-bin-{hadoop_version}'
! pip install findspark

# Install Postgres driver

# Install AWS's Boto3
! pip install boto3

import boto3
import findspark
from   getpass     import getpass
from   pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder \
  .appName('CustomerReviews') \
  .config('spark.driver.extraClassPath', f'/content/{postgres_version}.jar') \


  • [ w ] Google Colab

  • [ w ] Interactive Computing

  • [ w ] Jupyter

  • [ w ] Literate Programming

  • [ w ] Notebook Interface