Philosophy of Math


Philosophy of Math#


  • Nagel, Ernest & James R. Newman. (2015). Gödel’s Proof. Routledge Classics.

  • Nagel, Ernest & James R. Newman. (2008). Gödel’s Proof. Revised Ed. NYU Press.

  • [ W ] Pólya, George. (1945). How to Solve It. Princeton University Press.


  • [S][W] Benacerraf, Paul

  • [S][W] Brouwer, L. E. J.

  • [S][W] Cantor, Georg (1845-1918)

  • [S][W] Dedekind, Richard (1831-1916)

  • [S][W] Gödel, Kurt (1906-1978)

  • [S][W] Hilbert, David (1862-1943)

  • [S][W] Peano, Giuseppe (1858-1932)

  • [S][W] Pólya, George (1887-1985)

  • [S][W] Tegmark, Max

  • [S][W] Turing, Alan


  • [S][W] The Axiom of Choice

  • [S][W] The Church-Turing Thesis

  • [S][W] Constructivism

  • [S][W] The Continuum Hypothesis

  • [S][W] Fictionalism

  • [S][W] Finitism

  • [S][W] Formalism

  • [S][W] Foundations of Mathematics

  • [S][W] Frege’s Theorem and Foundations for Mathematics

  • [S][W] Gödel’s Completeness Theorem

  • [S][W] Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems

  • [S][W] Hilbert’s Program

  • [S][W] Independence of Large Cardinals

  • [S][W] Indespensability Arguments in the Philosophy of Mathematics

  • [S][W] Infinity

  • [S][W] Intuitionism

  • [S][W] Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics

  • [S][W] Logicism

  • [S][W] Mathematical Explanation

  • [S][W] Mathematical Folklore

  • [S][W] Mathematical Language

  • [S][W] Mathematical Object

  • [S][W] Mathematical Practice

  • [S][W] Mathematical Style

  • [S][W] Mathematical Universe Hypothesis

  • [S][W] Nominalism

  • [S][W] Peano Axioms

  • [S][W] Philosophy of Mathematics

  • [S][W] Platonism

  • [S][W] Quasi Empiricism in Math

  • [S][W] Realism

  • [S][W] Set Theory

  • [S][W] Structuralism