Early Modern Philosophy

Early Modern Philosophy#


  • Domenico Bertolini Meli

  • Edith Sylla

  • François Duchesneau

  • [SEP] Philosophy of Cosmology


Some Texts from Early Modern Philosophy


  • [S][W] Berkeley, George (1685-1753)

  • [S][W] Boyle, Robert (1627-1691)

  • [S][W] Brahe, Tycho

  • [S][W] Bruno, Giordano (1548-1600)

  • [S][W] Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729)

  • [S][W] Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543)

  • [S][W] Descartes, Rene (1596-1650)

  • [S][W] Galileo Galilei (1564-1632)

  • [S][W] Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655)

  • [S][W] Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679)

  • [S][W] Hume, David (1711-1776)

  • [S][W] Huygens, Christiaan (1629-1695)

  • [S][W] Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804)

  • [S][W] Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630)

  • [S][W] Locke, John (1632-1704)

  • [S][W] Maimonides, Moses

  • [S][W] Malebranche, Nicolas (1638-1715)

  • [S][W] Mersenne, Marin (1588-1648)

  • [S][W] Newton, Isaac (1642-1727)

  • [S][W] Pascal

  • [S][W] Spinoza, Baruch (1632-1677)

  • [W] Grosholz, Emily (1950-)


  • [S][W] A Posteriori

  • [S][W] A Priori

  • [S][W] Ab initio [from the beginning]

  • [S][W] Ad infinitum [to infinity]

  • [S][W] Acceleration

  • [S][W] Accident

  • [S][W] Action at a distance

  • [S][W] Analysis

  • [S][W] Arrow of Time

  • [S][W] Atom

  • [S][W] Atomism

  • [S][W] Automaton

  • [S][W] Category, Kantian

  • [S][W] Cauchy Problem

  • [S][W] Causa Sui

  • [S][W] Causality

  • [S][W] Cause, physics

  • [S][W] Classical Mechanics

  • [S][W] Classical Pantheism

  • [S][W] Clockwork

  • [S][W] Clockwork Universe

  • [S][W] Collision

  • [S][W] Cogito ergo sum

  • [S][W] Common Sense

  • [S][W] Consciousness

  • [S][W] Cosmological Argument

  • [S][W] Determinism

  • [S][W] Dogma

  • [S][W] Dual Aspect Theory

  • [S][W] Emergence

  • [S][W] Emergentism

  • [S][W] Empiricism

  • [S][W] Ens A Se

  • [S][W] Essence

  • [S][W] Essentialism

  • [S][W] Eternalism

  • [S][W] Eternity

  • [S][W] Existence

  • [S][W] Existence of God

  • [S][W] Extension

  • [S][W] Fatalism

  • [S][W] Fate

  • [S][W] First Principle

  • [S][W] Force

  • [S][W] Formal Distinction

  • [S][W] Free Will

  • [S][W] Geometric Method

  • [S][W] Gravitation, history

  • [S][W] Growing Block Universe

  • [S][W] Hamiltonian Mechanics

  • [S][W] History of Science

  • [S][W] Hypotheses non fingo

  • [S][W] Inertia

  • [S][W] Ipso Facto [by the fact itself]

  • [S][W] Is-Ought Problem

  • [S][W] Lagrangian Mechanics

  • [S][W] Laplace’s Demon

  • [S][W] Law of Nature

  • [S][W] Laws of Motion, Newtonian

  • [S][W] Materialism

  • [S][W] Matter

  • [S][W] Method of Doubt

  • [S][W] Mind

  • [S][W] Mind-Body Dualism

  • [S][W] Momentum

  • [S][W] Monism

  • [S][W] Motion

  • [S][W] Natural Order

  • [S][W] Necessitarianism

  • [S][W] Noether’s Theorem

  • [S][W] Nomology

  • [S][W] Noumenon

  • [S][W] Occasionalism

  • [S][W] Omniscience

  • [S][W] Ontic

  • [S][W] Orrery

  • [S][W] Phenomenon

  • [S][W] Philosophy of Consciousness

  • [S][W] Philosophy of Meaning

  • [S][W] Philosophy of Physics

  • [S][W] Philosophy of Space and Time

  • [S][W] Philosophy of Time

  • [S][W] Positivism

  • [S][W] Predeterminism

  • [S][W] Presentism

  • [S][W] Problem of Induction

  • [S][W] Process Philosophy

  • [S][W] Prolix

  • [S][W] Primary Quality

  • [S][W] Property

  • [S][W] Properties, essential vs accidental

  • [S][W] Quality

  • [S][W] Quantity

  • [S][W] Quidditism

  • [S][W] Rationalism

  • [S][W] Rationalism vs Empiricism

  • [S][W] Reason

  • [S][W] Reductionism

  • [S][W] Secondary Quality

  • [S][W] Simulation Hypothesis

  • [S][W] Simulated Reality

  • [S][W] Sine Qua Non

  • [S][W] Skepticism

  • [S][W] Spacetime

  • [S][W] Stationary-Action Principle

  • [S][W] Substance Theory

  • [S][W] Substance-Attribute Theory

  • [S][W] Sui Generis

  • [S][W] Superdeterminism

  • [S][W] Supervenience

  • [S][W] Synthesis

  • [S][W] Tabula Rasa

  • [S][W] Theological Determinism

  • [S][W] Thing In Itself

  • [S][W] Time

  • [S][W] Transcendental Idealism

  • [S][W] Vacuum

Mechanical Philosophy#

  • [SEP][W] Atomsism

    • [SEP] Atomism from the 17th to the 20th Century

  • [SEP][W] Corpusculareanism

  • [SEP][W] Corpuscle

  • [SEP][W] Mechanical Philosophy

  • [SEP][W] Mechanism

  • [SEP][W] The Possibilism-Actualism Debate

  • [SEP][W] Primary and Secondary Qualities in Early Modern Philosophy