Astronomy & Astrophysics

Astronomy & Astrophysics#

Space Science & More

Table of Contents#


[ y ] 11-21-2019. Domain of Science. “Every Thing in Space”.

Dot Physics

  • [ y ] 01-02-2024. “Modeling a flat and spinning solar system using Python”.

  • [ y ] 12-11-2023. “Using a Bunch of Balls to Model the Ideal Gas Law in Python”.

  • [ y ] 12-04-2023. C. J. Neumann. “Lecture, Vertical Circular Motion (Honors)”.

  • [ y ] 11-26-2023. INTEGRAL PHYSICS. “Calculate Period & Center of Mass in Binary Star Systems | Newtons Law of Gravity & Kepler’s 3rd Law”.

  • [ y ] 11-22-2023. Morphocular. “Finding Velocity On a Sphere Using a 3D Euler’s Formula”.

  • [Y] Academic Lesson

    • [Y ] Academic Lesson. (14 Sep 2020). “Modern Physics || Modern Physics Full Lecture Course”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Institute for Advanced Study

    • [Y ] Institute for Advanced Study. (14 Mar 2023). “The Three-Body Problem: A Chaotic Tale from Newton to Symplectic Geometry and Space Exploration - Agustin Moreno”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Let’s Find Out

    • [Y ] Let’s Find Out. (16 Jul 2021). “Size, Distance, and Time in the Universe | Soft-Spoken ASMR (3.5 Hours)”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Let’s Find Out. (01 Dec 2020). “The History of Binary Stars (1836 Astronomy Book) Geography of the Heavens: Pt 2 | ASMR soft spoken”. YouTube.

  • [Y] MIT Open Courseware

    • [Y ] MIT OpenCourseware. (05 Jul 2017). “Compton Scattering”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Mr P Solver

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (21 Oct 2022). “Generating The Rings of Power Theme in Python [2D Random Walk]”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (30 May 2022). “Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) in Python”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (09 May 2022). “The Finite Square Well: Two Methods Every Physicist Should Know”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (04 Apr 2022). “How To Solve and Animate a 3D Double Pendulum in Python”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (17 Feb 2022). “Compton Scattering in Python (Klein-Nishima Equation)”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (07 Dec 2021). “Billiard Balls and the Boltzmann Distribution in Python”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (20 Sep 2021). “Photon Beam Attenuation in Python”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (07 Sep 2021). “The Double Pendulum in PYTHON”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (23 Aug 2021). “Projectile Motion (WITH AIR FRICTION)”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (22 Jul 2021). “Math Symbol Tier List”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (22 Apr 2021). “3 Body Simulation in Python: Rare Orbits”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (11 Apr 2021). “Numerical Heat Equation: Cooking a Turkey in Python | Python Metaphysics #9”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (08 Apr 2021). “Laplace’s Equation with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions in PYTHON”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (05 Apr 2021). “The Double-SPRINGED Pendulum in PYTHON”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (03 Apr 2021). “2D Schrodinger Equation Numerical Solution in PYTHON”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Mr P Solver. (31 Mar 2021). “Pendulum Motion in PYTHON”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Physics Explained

    • [Y ] Physics Explained. (10 Mar 2023). “Escape Velocity with VPython”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Physics Explained. (07 Mar 2023). “How Can You Get Circular Orbits for the Three Body Problem?”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Physics Explained. (15 Apr 2021). “Block on an Incline: Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian Solutions”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Physics Explained. (18 Oct 2020). “Introduction to Lagrangian Mechanics”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Physics Explained. (23 Sep 2020). “What is the acceleration of an object moving in a circle, and what can you do with it?”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Physics Explained. (19 Aug 2020). “What is the Three Body Problem and How Do You Solve It?”. YouTube.

    • [Y ] Physics Explained. (10 Apr 2020). “What is Compton Scattering”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Physics with Elliot

    • [Y ] Physics with Elliot. (14 Sep 2021). “Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics in Under 20 Minutes: Physics Mini Lesson”. YouTube.


  • [ w ] 1838-1914 Hill, George William


  • [ w ] Absolute Magnitude

  • [ w ] Absorption

  • [ w ] Albedo

  • [ w ] Algol

  • [ w ] Altair

  • [ w ] Amateur Astronomy

  • [ w ] Amplitude

  • [ w ] Analemma

  • [ w ] Angular Diameter

  • [ w ] Angular Displacement

  • [ w ] Angular Distance

  • [ w ] Angular Frequency

  • [ w ] Angular Velocity

  • [ w ] Anisotropy

  • [ w ] Antares

  • [ w ] Aphelion

  • [ w ] Apparent Magnitude

  • [ w ] Apparent Retrograde Motion

  • [ w ] Appulse

  • [ w ] Apsis

  • [ w ] Arcminute

  • [ w ] Arcsecond

  • [ w ] Arcturus

  • [ w ] Astrometry

  • [ w ] Astronomical Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Astronomical Object

  • [ w ] astronomical symbols

  • [ w ] Astronomical Unit

  • [ w ] Autumnal Equinox

  • [ w ] Axial Precession

  • [ w ] Azimuth

  • [ w ] Beta Decay

  • [ w ] Betelgeuse

  • [ w ] Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

  • [ w ] Binary Star

  • [ w ] Black Body

  • [ w ] Black Hole

  • [ w ] Blue Giant

  • [ w ] Bond Albedo

  • [ w ] Boson

  • [ w ] Celestial Equator

  • [ w ] Celestial Mechanics

  • [ w ] Celestial Pole

  • [ w ] Celestial Sphere

  • [ w ] Circular Orbit

  • [ w ] Circumpolar Star

  • [ w ] CNO Cycle

  • [ w ] Color Index

  • [ w ] Conjunction

  • [ w ] Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

  • [ w ] Cosmic Distance Ladder

  • [ w ] Cosmic Ray

  • [ w ] Culmination

  • [ w ] Declination

  • [ w ] Deferent

  • [ w ] Deep Sky Object

  • [ w ] Deneb

  • [ w ] Deuterium

  • [ w ] Distance Modulus

  • [ w ] Earth Circumference

  • [ w ] Earth Mass

  • [ w ] Earth Radius

  • [ w ] Ecliptic

  • [ w ] Ecliptic Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Effective Temperature

  • [ w ] Elliptic Orbit

  • [ w ] Elongation

  • [ w ] Emissivity

  • [ w ] Ephemeris

  • [ w ] Epicycle

  • [ w ] Epoch

  • [ w ] Equation of Time

  • [ w ] Equatorial Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Equinox

  • [ w ] Event Horizon

  • [ w ] Extinction

  • [ w ] Fermion

  • [ w ] Fiducial Point

  • [ w ] First Point of Aries

  • [ w ] Fixed Stars

  • [ w ] Fundamental Plane

  • [ w ] Galactic Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Galaxy

  • [ w ] Gamma Ray

  • [ w ] Geometric Albedo

  • [ w ] Gravitational Collapse

  • [ w ] Great Circle

  • [ w ] Great Circle Distance

  • [ w ] Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

  • [ w ] H-R Diagram

  • [ w ] Hawking Radiation

  • [ w ] Helium Isotopes

  • [ w ] Horizon

  • [ w ] Horizontal Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Hour Angle

  • [ w ] Hour Circle

  • [ w ] Inferior Planet

  • [ w ] International Date Line

  • [ w ] Interstellar Medium

  • [ w ] Jupiter

  • [ w ] Kepler Orbit

  • [ w ] Law of Cosines

  • [ w ] Law of Sines

  • [ w ] Lepton

  • [ w ] Light-Year

  • [ w ] Luminosity

  • [ w ] Lunar Phase

  • [ w ] Magnitude

  • [ w ] Main Sequence

  • [ w ] March Equinox

  • [ w ] Mars

  • [ w ] Mars, timekeeping

  • [ w ] Maxwell’s Equations

  • [ w ] Mercury

  • [ w ] Meridian

  • [ w ] Metallicity

  • [ w ] Moon

  • [ w ] Nadir

  • [ w ] Neptune

  • [ w ] Neutron Star

  • [ w ] Noon

  • [ w ] Nutation

  • [ w ] Opposition

  • [ w ] Orbital Eccentricity

  • [ w ] Orbital Elements

  • [ w ] Orbital Inclination

  • [ w ] Orbital Mechanics

  • [ w ] Orbital Node

  • [ w ] Orbital Period

  • [ w ] Orbital Plane

  • [ w ] Orbital Speed

  • [ w ] Parallax

  • [ w ] Parsec

  • [ w ] Perihelion

  • [ w ] Periodic Function

  • [ w ] Phase

  • [ w ] Phase Angle

  • [ w ] Photometry

  • [ w ] Photon

  • [ w ] Photosphere

  • [ w ] Planet

  • [ w ] Planetary Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Planetary Phase

  • [ w ] Pluto

  • [ w ] Polaris

  • [ w ] Positional Astronomy

  • [ w ] Positron

  • [ w ] Positron Emission

  • [ w ] Prime Meridian

  • [ w ] Prograde Motion

  • [ w ] Proton-Proton Chain

  • [ w ] Protostar

  • [ w ] Proxima Centauri

  • [ w ] Quadrature

  • [ w ] Radian

  • [ w ] Red Supergiant

  • [ w ] Retrograde Motion

  • [ w ] Right Ascension

  • [ w ] Roche Limit

  • [ w ] Rotating Ellipsoidal Variable

  • [ w ] Saturn

  • [ w ] Sawtooth Wave

  • [ w ] September Equinox

  • [ w ] Shell Theorem

  • [ w ] Sidereal Time

  • [ w ] Sidereal Year

  • [ w ] Significant Figures

  • [ w ] Small-Angle Approximation

  • [ w ] Solar Azimuth Angle

  • [ w ] Solar System

  • [ w ] Solar Time

  • [ w ] Solar Year

  • [ w ] Solar Zenith Angle

  • [ w ] Spectral Line

  • [ w ] Spectroscopy

  • [ w ] Spherical Astronomy

  • [ w ] Spherical Lune

  • [ w ] Spherical Trigonometry

  • [ w ] Spica

  • [ w ] Square Wave

  • [ w ] Star

  • [ w ] Stellar Atmosphere

  • [ w ] Stellar Classification

  • [ w ] Stellar Evolution

  • [ w ] Stellar Nucleosynthesis

  • [ w ] Stellar Population

  • [ w ] Stellar Structure

  • [ w ] Stellar Wind

  • [ w ] Summer Solstice

  • [ w ] Summer Triangle

  • [ w ] Sun

  • [ w ] Sunlight

  • [ w ] Sunrise

  • [ w ] Sunset

  • [ w ] Supergiant

  • [ w ] Superior Planet

  • [ w ] Supernova

  • [ w ] Supernova Nucleosynthesis

  • [ w ] Synodic Day

  • [ w ] Syzygy

  • [ w ] Taylor Series

  • [ w ] Three-Body Problem

  • [ w ] Tidal Circularization

  • [ w ] Tidal Force

  • [ w ] Tidal Locking

  • [ w ] Transit

  • [ w ] Triple Alpha Process

  • [ w ] Tropical Year

  • [ w ] Two-Body Problem

  • [ w ] UBV Photometric System

  • [ w ] Uranus

  • [ w ] Variable Star

  • [ w ] Vega

  • [ w ] Venus

  • [ w ] Vernal Equinox

  • [ w ] Vis Viva Equation

  • [ w ] White Dwarf

  • [ w ] Year

  • [ w ] Zenith

  • [ w ] Altazimuth Mount

  • [ w ] Ancient Greek Astronomy

  • [ w ] Angular Diameter

  • [ w ] Angular Displacement

  • [ w ] Angular Distance

  • [ w ] Antimeridian

  • [ w ] Arc Length

  • [ w ] Astronomical Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Azimuth

  • [ w ] Cardinal Direction

  • [ w ] Celestial Equator

  • [ w ] Celestial Sphere

  • [ w ] Centrifugal Force

  • [ w ] Centripetal Acceleration

  • [ w ] Circle of Latitude

  • [ w ] Circumpolar Stars

  • [ w ] Cosmology

  • [ w ] Dynamics

  • [ w ] Ecliptic

  • [ w ] Equator

  • [ w ] Equinox

  • [ w ] Firmament

  • [ w ] Geodetic Coordinates

  • [ w ] Geographic Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Geographic Pole

  • [ w ] Horizon

  • [ w ] Horizontal Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Horizontality

  • [ w ] Hour Angle

  • [ w ] International Date Line

  • [ w ] Invariable Plane

  • [ w ] Kinematics

  • [ w ] Kinetics

  • [ w ] Latitude

  • [ w ] Line of Sight

  • [ w ] Longitude

  • [ w ] Low Earth Orbit

  • [ w ] Mass

  • [ w ] Matter

  • [ w ] Meridian

  • [ w ] Momentum

  • [ w ] Nadir

  • [ w ] North Celestial Pole

  • [ w ] North Pole

  • [ w ] Orbit

  • [ w ] Orbital Inclination

  • [ w ] Orbital Plane

  • [ w ] Orbital Pole

  • [ w ] Parallax

  • [ w ][ s ] Philosophy of Cosmology

  • [ w ] Philosophy of Physics

  • [ w ] Philosophy of Space and Time

  • [ w ] Plane of Reference

  • [ w ] Planetary Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Plenism (Horror Vacui)

  • [ w ] Polaris

  • [ w ] Pole Star

  • [ w ] Position of the Sun

  • [ w ] Prime Meridian

  • [ w ] Radian

  • [ w ] Rotation around a fixed axis

  • [ w ] Shell Theorem

  • [ w ] Sky

  • [ w ] Solar Azimuth Angle

  • [ w ] Solar Zenith Angle

  • [ w ] South Pole

  • [ w ] Spherical Coordinate System

  • [ w ] Spherical Trigonometry

  • [ w ] Statics

  • [ w ] Stellar Parallax

  • [ w ] Subsolar Point

  • [ w ] Sun Path

  • [ w ] Tachyon

  • [ w ] Telescope

  • [ w ] True North

  • [ w ] Unit Vector

  • [ w ] Vacuum

  • [ w ] Verticality

  • [ w ] Zenith