Friendship and Love


Friendship and Love#


  • Badhwar, Neera Kapur. (1993). Friendship: A Philosophical Reader. Cornell University Press.

  • Grayling, A. C. (2014). Friendship. Yale University Press.

  • Nehamas, Alexander. (2016). On Friendship.

  • Pakaluk, Micahel. (1991). Other Selves: Philosophers on Friendship. Hackett.

  • Pangle, Lorraine Smith. (2008). Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship. Cambridge University Press.


  • [W] Dover, Kenneth (1920-2010)

    • [W] Greek Homosexuality

      • [W] coitus interfemoris

  • [W] Halperin, David (1952-present)

    • [W] (1990). One Hundred Years of Homosexuality: and other essays on Greek love.


  • [S] Personal Relationship Goods

  • [S] Plato on Friendship and Eros

  • [W] Catamite

  • [W][S] Desire

  • [W][P] Erastes ἐραστῆς

  • [W][P] Eromenos ἐρώμενος “one who is desired”

  • [W][P] Eros ἔρως “desire; love”

  • [W][S] Friendship

  • [W] Greek Love

  • [W][S] Happiness

  • [W][S] Love

  • [W][S] Marriage

  • [W][P] Pederasty παιδεραστία

  • [W] Romance

  • [W] Ancient Greek Homosexuality

  • [W] Ancient Greek Homosexuality, military

  • [W] Ancient Roman Homosexuality

  • [W] Ancient Roman Sexuality

  • [W][S] Homosexuality

  • [W] Homosexuality, history

  • [W] Homosexuality in China

  • [W] Homosexuality in India

  • [W] Homosexuality in Japan

  • [W][S] Philosophy of Sex

  • [W][S] Pleasure

  • [W][S] Pornography and Censorship

  • [W][S] Sex and Sexuality

  • [W] Sexology

  • [W] Sexuality, history