





  • [W] Bloomfield, Leonard (1887-1949)

  • [W] Chomsky, Noam (1928-) [Home]

  • [W] Humboldt, Wilhelm Von (1767-1835)

  • [W] Johnson, Keith (1958-) [Home]

  • [W] Johnstone, Barbara (1952-)

  • [W] Labov, William (1927-) [Home]

  • [W] Ladefoged, Peter (1925-2006) [Home]

  • [W] Sapir, Edward (1884-1939)

  • [W] Whorf, Benjamin Lee (1897-1941)


  • [W] Analytic Language

  • [W] History of Linguistics

  • [W] L1 (Native Language)

  • [W] Language and Thought

  • [W] Language of Thought Hypothesis

  • [W] Lingua Franca

  • [W] Linguistic Determinism

  • [W] Linguistic Relativity (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)

  • [W] Linguistic Turn

  • [W] Linguistic Universal

  • [W] Native Language (L1)

  • [W] Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (Linguistic Relativity)

  • [W] Semantic Ambiguity

  • [W] Syntactic Ambiguity

  • [W] Synthetic Language

  • [W] Adposition

  • [W] Alphabet

  • [W] Allomorph

  • [W] Artificial Language or Constructed Language

  • [W] Aspect

  • [W] Calque

  • [W] Character

  • [W] Clause

  • [W] Cognate

  • [W] Cognitive Linguistics

  • [W] Comparative Linguistics

  • [W] Comparative Method

  • [W] Computational Lexicology

  • [W] Computational Linguistics

  • [W] Consonant

  • [W] Copula

  • [W] Corpus

  • [W] Corpus Linguistics

  • [W] Creole

  • [W] Cursive or Longhand or Script

  • [W] Daughter Language

  • [W] Descriptivism

  • [W] Diachrony

  • [W] Diacritic

  • [W] Dialect

  • [W] Dialect Continuum

  • [W] Dictionary

  • [W] Discourse

  • [W] Discourse Marker

  • [W] Etymology

  • [W] Evolutionary Linguistics

  • [W] Figure of Speech

  • [W] Formal Linguistics or Formalism

  • [W] Functional Linguistics or Functionalism

  • [W] Genealogy

  • [W] Generative Linguistics or Generativism

  • [W] Gerund

  • [W] Glyph

  • [W] Grammar

  • [W] Grapheme

  • [W] Grassmann’s Law

  • [W] Grimm’s Law

  • [W] Hieroglyph

  • [W] Historical Linguistics

  • [W] Ideogram or Ideograph

  • [W] Idiolect

  • [W] Illocution

  • [W] Inflection

  • [W] Interlocutor

  • [W] Interrogative

  • [W] Intonation

  • [W] Language Change

  • [W] Language Classification

  • [W] Language Comprehension

  • [W] Language Family

  • [W] Language Isolate

  • [W] LOTH Language of Thought Hypothesis [SEP]

  • [W] Language Production

  • [W] Letter

  • [W] Lexeme

  • [W] Lexicography

  • [W] Lexicology

  • [W] Lexicon

  • [W] Lexis

  • [W] Linguistic Determinism

  • [W] Linguistic Philosophy

  • [W] Linguistic Reconstruction

  • [W] Linguistic Relativity or the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

  • [W] The Linguistic Turn

  • [W] Linguistics

  • [W] Loanword

  • [W] Locution

  • [W] Logogram or Logograph

  • [W] Metaphor

  • [W] Modality

  • [W] Mood

  • [W] Mora

  • [W] Morpheme

  • [W] Morphology

  • [W] Neogrammarian Hypothesis

  • [W] Neurolinguistics

  • [W] Numeral

  • [W] Onomasiology

  • [W] Onomastics

  • [W] Ordinary Language Philosophy

  • [W] Origin of Language

  • [W] Origin of Speech

  • [W] Orthography

  • [W] Orthonym

  • [W] Paradigm

  • [W] Paradigmatic Analysis

  • [W] Participle

  • [W] Particle

  • [W] Performative Utterance

  • [W] Periphrasis

  • [W] Perlocution

  • [W] Petroglyph

  • [W] Phatic Expression

  • [W] Philology

  • [W] Philosophy of Language

  • [W][SEP] Philosophy of Linguistics

  • [W] Pictogram or Pictograph

  • [W] Pleonasm

  • [W] Postposition

  • [W] Pragmatics

  • [W] Predicate

  • [W] Preposition

  • [W] Prescriptivism

  • [W] Pronunciation

  • [W] Prosody

  • [W] Proto Language

  • [W] Psycholinguistics

  • [W] Punctuation

  • [W] Rheme

  • [W] Rhetoric

  • [W] Rhetorical Device

  • [W] Rhythm or Isochrony

  • [W] Semantics

  • [W] Semasiography

  • [W] Semasiology

  • [W] Semiotics

  • [W] Sentence

  • [W] Shorthand

  • [W] Sign

  • [W] Sister Language

  • [W] Sociolect

  • [W] Sociolinguistics

  • [W] Sound Change

  • [W] Speech

  • [W] Speech Act

  • [W] Speech Perception

  • [W] Speech Production

  • [W] Stress

  • [W] Structural Linguistics or Structuralism

  • [W] Subject

  • [W] Syllabary

  • [W] Syllable

  • [W] Symbol

  • [W] Synchrony

  • [W] Syntactic Change

  • [W] Syntagm

  • [W] Syntagmatic Analysis

  • [W] Syntax

  • [W] Tense

  • [W] Theme

  • [W] Theory of Language

  • [W] Thesaurus

  • [W] Tone

  • [W] Toponym

  • [W] Toponymy

  • [W] Tree Model

  • [W] Trope

  • [W] Typeface