
Table of Contents#


  • [ h ] Apache Lucene

  • [ h ] ElasticSearch

  • [ y ] 05-25-2022. Computerphile. “Why Information Theory is Important - Computerphile”.


  • Battelle, John. (2005). The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture.

  • Croft, W. Bruce, Donald Metzler, & Trevor Strohman. (2015). Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice. Pearson. Home.

  • Greengrass, Ed. (2000). Information Retrieval: A Survey. Home.

  • Langville, Amy N. & Carl D. Meyer. (2006). Google’s PageRank and Beyond: The Science of Search Engine Rankings. Princeton University Press.

  • Manning, Christopher D., Prabhakar Raghavan, & Hinrich Schutze. (2008). Intrtoduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press. Home. Resources.

  • Teofili, Tommaso. (2019). Deep Learning for Search. Manning.

  • Van Rijsbergen, C. J. (1979). Information Retrieval. Home.

  • Witten, Ian, Marco Gori, & Teresa Numerico. (2006). Web Dragons: Inside the Myths of Search Engine Technology.


  • [ w ] 1911-1996 Birkhoff, Garrett

  • [ w ] 1964----- Floridi, Luciano

  • [ w ] --------- Giles, C. Lee [ h ][ PSU IST 441 ]

  • [ w ] 1903-1987 Kolmogorov, Andrey

  • [ w ] 1889-1976 Nyquist, Harry

  • [ w ] 1839-1914 Peirce, Charles Sanders

  • [ w ] 1916-2001 Shannon, Claude

    • [ w ] 1948. “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”.

    • [ w ] 1949. The Mathematical Theory of Communication.

  • [ w ] 1937-2017 Willie, Rudolf


  • [ w ] Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)

  • [ w ] Algorithmic Information Theory

  • [ w ] Channel Capacity

  • [ w ] Communication Channel

  • [ w ] Corpus

  • [ w ] Entropy

  • [ w ] Formal Concept Analysis (FCA)

  • [ w ] Hartley

  • [ w ] Informatics

  • [ w ][ s ] Information

  • [ w ] Information Age

  • [ w ] Information Content

  • [ w ] Information Engineering

  • [ w ] Information Ethics

  • [ w ] Information History

  • [ w ] Information Logistics

  • [ w ] Information Processing

  • [ w ] Information Overload

  • [ w ] Information Retrieval (IR)

  • [ w ] Information Science

  • [ w ] Information System

  • [ w ] Information Technology (IT)

  • [ w ] Information Theory

  • [ w ] Information Theory History

  • [ w ] Information Visualization

  • [ w ] Information-Theoretic Security

  • [ w ] Infosphere

  • [ w ] Kolmogorov Complexity

  • [ w ] Logic of Information

  • [ w ] Mutual Information

  • [ w ] Noise

  • [ w ] Noiseless Coding Theorem

  • [ w ] Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem

  • [ w ] Ontology

  • [ w ] Philosophy of Information

  • [ w ] Quantities of Information

  • [ w ] Search Engine

  • [ w ] Self-Information

  • [ w ] Shannon

  • [ w ] Shannon Entropy

  • [ w ] Shannon Information

  • [ w ] Shannon’s Source Coding Theorem

  • [ w ] Shannon’s Theorem

  • [ w ] Shannon-Hartley Theorem

  • [ w ] Signal

  • [ w ] Signal-Flow Graph

  • [ w ] Surprisal

  • [ w ] Transmission Medium