Articulatory Phonetics#

Programming Environment#

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import numpy                    as np
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) # suppress scientific notation
import numpy.random             as npr
import pandas                   as pd

import matplotlib               as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot        as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6)

from   html.entities import codepoint2name
import string
import unicodedata

from   datetime import datetime as d
import locale                   as l
import platform                 as p
import sys                      as s

pad = 20
print(f"{'Executed'.upper():<{pad}}: {}")
print(f"{'Platform'        :<{pad}}: "
      f"{p.mac_ver()[0]} | "
      f"{p.system()} | "
      f"{p.release()} | "
print(f"{''                :<{pad}}: {l.getpreferredencoding()}")
print(f"{'Python'          :<{pad}}: {s.version}")
print(f"{''                :<{pad}}: {s.version_info}")
print(f"{''                :<{pad}}: {p.python_implementation()}")
print(f"{'Matplotlib'      :<{pad}}: {mpl.__version__}")
print(f"{'NumPy'           :<{pad}}: { np.__version__}")
print(f"{'Pandas'          :<{pad}}: { pd.__version__}")
EXECUTED            : 2024-05-21 15:45:06.090224

Platform            : 14.4.1 | Darwin | 23.4.0 | arm64
                    : UTF-8

Python              : 3.11.9 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Apr 19 2024, 18:34:54) [Clang 16.0.6 ]
                    : sys.version_info(major=3, minor=11, micro=9, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
                    : CPython

Matplotlib          : 3.8.4
NumPy               : 1.26.4
Pandas              : 2.2.2
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def dec_to_hex (dec : int = 2**16 - 1) -> str:
  """ Compose the hexadecimal representation
      as a string
      of a nonnegative integer.
  params: int (dec)
  return: str
  assert 0 <= dec, 'Try again with a nonnegative integer.'
  return format(dec, '>06x').upper()

def to_codepoint (hexa : str = '10FFFF') -> str:
  """ Compose a Unicode code point
      as a string.

  params: str (hexa)
  return: str
  assert int(hexa, base=16) <= 0x10FFFF, 'Try again with a valid code point.'
  return fr'\U00{hexa}'

# Nonnegative integer no greater than 0x10FFFF (1_114_111)
dec_to_glyph = chr

def to_glyph (code_point : str = '\\u00FF') -> str:
  """ Convert a raw Unicode code point to its non raw (graphical) form.
  params: str (code_point)
  return: str
  return code_point.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode-escape')

def print_code_point_information (points : str = 'hello world') -> None:
  """ Prints information about Unicode code points.
      Prints the sequence of code points
             the number of code points in the sequence
             the following information for each Unicode code point in a sequence of code points:
               * glyph
               * raw code point
               * hexadecimal repr
               * byte repr
               * Unicode category
               * Named entity repr
               * Unicode name

  params: str (points)
  return: None
  print(f"{'Glyph':<10} "
        f"{'Code Point':<10} "
        f"{'Hex':<10} "
        f"{'Bytes':<20} "
        f"{'Category':<10} "
        f"{'Named Entity':<20} "
    for point in points:
      hex_rep    = dec_to_hex(ord(point))
      code_point = to_codepoint(hex_rep)
      glyph      = to_glyph(code_point)
      unicode = (f"{chr(ord(point)):<10} "
                f"{code_point:<10} "
                f"{format(ord(point), '06x').upper():<10} "
                f"{str(point.encode('utf-8')):<20} "
                f"{unicodedata.category(chr(ord(point))):<10} ")
        unicode += f"{codepoint2name[ord(point)]:<20} "
      except KeyError as e:
        unicode += f"{'NO NAMED ENTITY':<20} "
        unicode += f"{}"
      except ValueError as e:
        unicode += f"NO UNICODE NAME"
  except AssertionError as e:
    print(f"Case {point}: {e}")

International Phonetic Alphabet#


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ipa = [
  'near-open central vowel',
  'open back unrounded vowel',
  'open back rounded vowel',
  'voiced bilabial implosive',
  'open-mid back rounded vowel',
  'voiceless alveopalatal fricative',
  'voiced retroflex plosive',
  'voiced alveolar implosive',
  'close-mid central unrounded vowel',
  'mid central vowel',
  'rhotacized mid central vowel',
  'open-mid front unrounded vowel',
  'open-mid central unrounded vowel',
  'rhotacized open-mid central unrounded vowel',
  'open-mid central rounded vowel',
  'voiced palatal plosive',
  'voiced velar implosive',
  'voiced velar plosive',
  'voiced uvular plosive',
  'voiced velar fricative',
  'close-mid back unrounded vowel',
  'voiced labiopalatal approximant',
  'voiced glottal fricative',
  'sj sound',
  'close central unrounded vowel',
  'near-close near-front unrounded vowel',
  'voiced alveolar lateral approximant',
  'voiceless alveolar lateral fricative',
  'voiced retroflex lateral approximant',
  'voiced alveolar lateral fricative',
  'close back unrounded vowel',
  'voiced velar approximant',
  'voiced labiodental nasal',
  'voiced palatal nasal',
  'voiced retroflex nasal',
  'voiced uvular nasal',
  'close-mid central rounded vowel',
  'open front rounded vowel',
  'voiceless bilabial fricative',
  'voiced alveolar approximant',
  'voiced alveolar lateral flap',
  'voiced retroflex approximant',
  'voiced alveolar trill',
  'voiced retroflex flap',
  'voiced alveolar tap',
  'voiced alveolar fricative',
  'voiced uvular trill',
  'voiced uvular fricative',
  'voiceless retroflex fricative',
  'voiceless postalveolar fricative',
  'voiced palatal implosive',
  'syllabic voiced retroflex fricative',
  'voiceless alveopalatal fricative',
  'dental click',
  'voiceless retroflex plosive',
  'close central rounded vowel',
  'near-close near-back rounded vowel',
  'voiced labiodental approximant',
  'open-mid back unrounded vowel',
  'voiceless labiovelar fricative',
  'voiced palatal lateral approximant',
  'near-close near-front rounded vowel',
  'voiced retroflex fricative',
  'voiced alveopalatal fricative',
  'voiced postalveolar fricative',
  'glottal stop',
  'voiced pharyngeal fricative',
  'alveolar lateral click (obsolete)',
  'postalveolar click (obsolete)',
  'bilabial click',
  'voiced bilabial trill',
  'voiced uvular implosive',
  'voiceless epiglottal fricative/trill',
  'voiced palatal fricative',
  'velar click (obsolete)',
  'voiced velar lateral approximant',
  'voiceless uvular implosive (obsolete)',
  'epiglottal plosive',
  'voiced epiglottal fricative/trill',
  'voiced alveolar affricate',
  'voiced postalveolar affricate',
  'voiced alveopalatal affricate',
  'voiceless alveolar affricate',
  'voiceless postalveolar affricate',
  'voiceless alveopalatal affricate',
  'velopharyngeal fricative',
  'voiceless grooved lateral alveolar fricative',
  'voiced grooved lateral alveolar fricative',
  'bilabial percussive',
  'bidental percussive',
  'syllabic labialized voiced alveolar fricative',
  'syllabic labialized voiced retroflex fricative',

start  = 0x0250
stop   = 0x02AF
points = [c for c in range(start, stop)]
for i, point in enumerate(points):
Glyph               Unicode             IPA                                               Unicode
ɐ                   \U00000250          near-open central vowel                           LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED A
ɑ                   \U00000251          open back unrounded vowel                         LATIN SMALL LETTER ALPHA
ɒ                   \U00000252          open back rounded vowel                           LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED ALPHA
ɓ                   \U00000253          voiced bilabial implosive                         LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH HOOK
ɔ                   \U00000254          open-mid back rounded vowel                       LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN O
ɕ                   \U00000255          voiceless alveopalatal fricative                  LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CURL
ɖ                   \U00000256          voiced retroflex plosive                          LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH TAIL
ɗ                   \U00000257          voiced alveolar implosive                         LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH HOOK
ɘ                   \U00000258          close-mid central unrounded vowel                 LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED E
ə                   \U00000259          mid central vowel                                 LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA
ɚ                   \U0000025A          rhotacized mid central vowel                      LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA WITH HOOK
ɛ                   \U0000025B          open-mid front unrounded vowel                    LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E
ɜ                   \U0000025C          open-mid central unrounded vowel                  LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED OPEN E
ɝ                   \U0000025D          rhotacized open-mid central unrounded vowel       LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED OPEN E WITH HOOK
ɞ                   \U0000025E          open-mid central rounded vowel                    LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED REVERSED OPEN E
ɟ                   \U0000025F          voiced palatal plosive                            LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J WITH STROKE
ɠ                   \U00000260          voiced velar implosive                            LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH HOOK
ɡ                   \U00000261          voiced velar plosive                              LATIN SMALL LETTER SCRIPT G
ɢ                   \U00000262          voiced uvular plosive                             LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL G
ɣ                   \U00000263          voiced velar fricative                            LATIN SMALL LETTER GAMMA
ɤ                   \U00000264          close-mid back unrounded vowel                    LATIN SMALL LETTER RAMS HORN
ɥ                   \U00000265          voiced labiopalatal approximant                   LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED H
ɦ                   \U00000266          voiced glottal fricative                          LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH HOOK
ɧ                   \U00000267          sj sound                                          LATIN SMALL LETTER HENG WITH HOOK
ɨ                   \U00000268          close central unrounded vowel                     LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH STROKE
ɩ                   \U00000269          (obsolete)                                        LATIN SMALL LETTER IOTA
ɪ                   \U0000026A          near-close near-front unrounded vowel             LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL I
ɫ                   \U0000026B          voiced alveolar lateral approximant               LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE TILDE
ɬ                   \U0000026C          voiceless alveolar lateral fricative              LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH BELT
ɭ                   \U0000026D          voiced retroflex lateral approximant              LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
ɮ                   \U0000026E          voiced alveolar lateral fricative                 LATIN SMALL LETTER LEZH
ɯ                   \U0000026F          close back unrounded vowel                        LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED M
ɰ                   \U00000270          voiced velar approximant                          LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED M WITH LONG LEG
ɱ                   \U00000271          voiced labiodental nasal                          LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH HOOK
ɲ                   \U00000272          voiced palatal nasal                              LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH LEFT HOOK
ɳ                   \U00000273          voiced retroflex nasal                            LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
ɴ                   \U00000274          voiced uvular nasal                               LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL N
ɵ                   \U00000275          close-mid central rounded vowel                   LATIN SMALL LETTER BARRED O
ɶ                   \U00000276          open front rounded vowel                          LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OE
ɷ                   \U00000277          (obsolete)                                        LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED OMEGA
ɸ                   \U00000278          voiceless bilabial fricative                      LATIN SMALL LETTER PHI
ɹ                   \U00000279          voiced alveolar approximant                       LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R
ɺ                   \U0000027A          voiced alveolar lateral flap                      LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R WITH LONG LEG
ɻ                   \U0000027B          voiced retroflex approximant                      LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED R WITH HOOK
ɼ                   \U0000027C          voiced alveolar trill                             LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH LONG LEG
ɽ                   \U0000027D          voiced retroflex flap                             LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH TAIL
ɾ                   \U0000027E          voiced alveolar tap                               LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH FISHHOOK
ɿ                   \U0000027F          voiced alveolar fricative                         LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED R WITH FISHHOOK
ʀ                   \U00000280          voiced uvular trill                               LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL R
ʁ                   \U00000281          voiced uvular fricative                           LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL INVERTED R
ʂ                   \U00000282          voiceless retroflex fricative                     LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH HOOK
ʃ                   \U00000283          voiceless postalveolar fricative                  LATIN SMALL LETTER ESH
ʄ                   \U00000284          voiced palatal implosive                          LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J WITH STROKE AND HOOK
ʅ                   \U00000285          syllabic voiced retroflex fricative               LATIN SMALL LETTER SQUAT REVERSED ESH
ʆ                   \U00000286          voiceless alveopalatal fricative                  LATIN SMALL LETTER ESH WITH CURL
ʇ                   \U00000287          dental click                                      LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED T
ʈ                   \U00000288          voiceless retroflex plosive                       LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
ʉ                   \U00000289          close central rounded vowel                       LATIN SMALL LETTER U BAR
ʊ                   \U0000028A          near-close near-back rounded vowel                LATIN SMALL LETTER UPSILON
ʋ                   \U0000028B          voiced labiodental approximant                    LATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH HOOK
ʌ                   \U0000028C          open-mid back unrounded vowel                     LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED V
ʍ                   \U0000028D          voiceless labiovelar fricative                    LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED W
ʎ                   \U0000028E          voiced palatal lateral approximant                LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED Y
ʏ                   \U0000028F          near-close near-front rounded vowel               LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Y
ʐ                   \U00000290          voiced retroflex fricative                        LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH RETROFLEX HOOK
ʑ                   \U00000291          voiced alveopalatal fricative                     LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CURL
ʒ                   \U00000292          voiced postalveolar fricative                     LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH
ʓ                   \U00000293          glottal stop                                      LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH CURL
ʔ                   \U00000294          voiced pharyngeal fricative                       LATIN LETTER GLOTTAL STOP
ʕ                   \U00000295          alveolar lateral click (obsolete)                 LATIN LETTER PHARYNGEAL VOICED FRICATIVE
ʖ                   \U00000296          postalveolar click (obsolete)                     LATIN LETTER INVERTED GLOTTAL STOP
ʗ                   \U00000297          bilabial click                                    LATIN LETTER STRETCHED C
ʘ                   \U00000298          voiced bilabial trill                             LATIN LETTER BILABIAL CLICK
ʙ                   \U00000299          ?                                                 LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL B
ʚ                   \U0000029A          voiced uvular implosive                           LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED OPEN E
ʛ                   \U0000029B          voiceless epiglottal fricative/trill              LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL G WITH HOOK
ʜ                   \U0000029C          voiced palatal fricative                          LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL H
ʝ                   \U0000029D          velar click (obsolete)                            LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CROSSED-TAIL
ʞ                   \U0000029E          voiced velar lateral approximant                  LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED K
ʟ                   \U0000029F          voiceless uvular implosive (obsolete)             LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL L
ʠ                   \U000002A0          epiglottal plosive                                LATIN SMALL LETTER Q WITH HOOK
ʡ                   \U000002A1          voiced epiglottal fricative/trill                 LATIN LETTER GLOTTAL STOP WITH STROKE
ʢ                   \U000002A2          voiced alveolar affricate                         LATIN LETTER REVERSED GLOTTAL STOP WITH STROKE
ʣ                   \U000002A3          voiced postalveolar affricate                     LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ DIGRAPH
ʤ                   \U000002A4          voiced alveopalatal affricate                     LATIN SMALL LETTER DEZH DIGRAPH
ʥ                   \U000002A5          voiceless alveolar affricate                      LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ DIGRAPH WITH CURL
ʦ                   \U000002A6          voiceless postalveolar affricate                  LATIN SMALL LETTER TS DIGRAPH
ʧ                   \U000002A7          voiceless alveopalatal affricate                  LATIN SMALL LETTER TESH DIGRAPH
ʨ                   \U000002A8          velopharyngeal fricative                          LATIN SMALL LETTER TC DIGRAPH WITH CURL
ʩ                   \U000002A9          voiceless grooved lateral alveolar fricative      LATIN SMALL LETTER FENG DIGRAPH
ʪ                   \U000002AA          voiced grooved lateral alveolar fricative         LATIN SMALL LETTER LS DIGRAPH
ʫ                   \U000002AB          bilabial percussive                               LATIN SMALL LETTER LZ DIGRAPH
ʬ                   \U000002AC          bidental percussive                               LATIN LETTER BILABIAL PERCUSSIVE
ʭ                   \U000002AD          syllabic labialized voiced alveolar fricative     LATIN LETTER BIDENTAL PERCUSSIVE
ʮ                   \U000002AE          syllabic labialized voiced retroflex fricative    LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED H WITH FISHHOOK

Constructing IPA in Python via Unicode#

place_of_articulation = [
manner_of_articulation = [
  ['\u0070','\u0062',      '',      '',      '',      '','\u0074','\u0064',      '',      '','\u0288','\u0256','\u0063','\u025F','\u006B','\u0261','\u0071','\u0262',      '',      '','\u0294',      ''],
  [      '','\u006D',      '','\u0271',      '',      '',      '','\u006E',      '',      '',      '','\u0273',      '','\u0272',      '','\u014B',      '','\u0274',      '',      '',      '',      ''],
  [      '','\u0299',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '','\u0072',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '','\u0280',      '',      '',      '',      ''],
  [      '',      '',      '','\u2C71',      '',      '',      '','\u027E',      '',      '',      '','\u027D',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      ''],
  [      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '','\u026C','\u026E',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      ''],
  [      '',      '',      '','\u028B',      '',      '',      '','\u0279',      '',      '',      '','\u027B',      '','\u006A',      '','\u0270',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      ''],
  [      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '','\u006C',      '',      '',      '','\u026D',      '','\u028E',      '','\u029F',      '',      '',      '',      '',      '',      ''],
Hide code cell source
ipa = pd.DataFrame(
  columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([place_of_articulation, ['u','v']]),
) \
  .set_caption('IPA') \
    'font-size' : '18pt',
  bilabial labiodental dental alveolar postalveolar retroflex palatal velar uvular pharyngeal glottal
  u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v u v
plosive p b t d ʈ ɖ c ɟ k ɡ q ɢ ʔ
nasal m ɱ n ɳ ɲ ŋ ɴ
trill ʙ r ʀ
flap/tap ɾ ɽ
fricative ɸ β f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ ʂ ʐ ç ʝ x ɣ χ ʁ ħ ʕ h ɦ
fricative(lateral) ɬ ɮ
approximant ʋ ɹ ɻ j ɰ
approximant(lateral) l ɭ ʎ ʟ


  • [W] Diacritic

  • [W] Digraph

  • [W] International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

  • [W] IPA (Unicode)

  • [W] IPA Extensions

  • [W] IPA Extensions (Unicode block)

  • [W] IPA: obsolete

Components of Speech Production#

[1] Airstream Mechanism (e.g., the energy of the lungs produces an airstream)

[2] Phonation (e.g., the larynx modifies the airstream by means of phonation)

[3] Articulation (e.g., the vocal tract modulates the airstream by means of the articulators: the glottis, the uvula, the tongue, and the lips)

Airstream Mechanism#

The airstream mechanism is the method by which airflow is produced in the vocal tract.

The initiating organ or initiator is the organ which generates the airstream.

[1] Pulmonic mechanism: lungs + diaphragm

[2] Glottalic mechanism: glottis

[3] Lingual/Velaric mechanism: tongue

The initiator may act by either increasing or decreasing the air pressure generating the airstream.

A change in air pressure which corresponds to outward airflow is called egressive; and a change in air pressure which corresponds to inward airflow is called ingressive.






e.g. Vowel


interjection (e.g., a “spurt”)


interjection (e.g., a gasp)



Units of Speech#

Segmentals: consonants and vowels

Suprasegmentals or prosodic features: stress, loudness, pitch, length, and secondary articulation

  • [W] Contour

  • [W] Consonant

  • [W] Intonation

  • [W] Isochrony

  • [W] Mora

  • [W] Prosodic Unit

  • [W] Prosody

  • [W] Rhythm

  • [W] Segment

  • [W] Stress

  • [W] Syllable

  • [W] Suprasegmental

  • [W] Tempo

  • [W] Tone

  • [W] Tone Contour

  • [W] Vowel


  • Where in the vocal tract does the articulation take place? place of articulation

    • Lips: (bi)labial

    • Teeth: dental

    • Tongue against upper gums: alveolar

    • Tongue against palate: palatal

  • Is breath involved? Pulmonic vs Non Pulmonic; phonation

  • When breath is involved, how is it manipulated? manner of articulation

    • single burst of air: plosive

    • air passes through the nasal cavity: nasal

    • short, speedy bursts of air: trill

    • hard narrowing of air passage: fricative

    • hard narrowing of air passage around tongue: lateral fricative

    • soft narrowing of air passage: approximant

    • soft narrowing of air passag around tongue: lateral approximant


  • [W] Alveolar Click

  • [W] Bilabial Click

  • [W] Dental Click

  • [W] Epiglottal Plosive

  • [W] Glottal Stop

  • [W] Lateral Click

  • [W] Sj Sound

  • [W] Velar Click

  • [W] Velopharyngeal Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Alveolar Affricate

  • [W] Voiced Alveolar Approximant

  • [W] Voiced Alveolar Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Alveolar Implosive

  • [W] Voiced Alveolar Lateral Approximant

  • [W] Voiced Alveolar Lateral Flap

  • [W] Voiced Alveolar Lateral Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Alveolar Tap

  • [W] Voiced Alveolar Trill

  • [W] Voiced Alveopalatal Affricate

  • [W] Voiced Alveopalatal Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Bilabial Implosive

  • [W] Voiced Bilabial Trill

  • [W] Voiced Epiglottal Fricative/Trill

  • [W] Voiced Glottal Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Labiodental Approximant

  • [W] Voiced Labiodental Nasal

  • [W] Voiced Labiopalatal Approximant

  • [W] Voiced Palatal Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Palatal Implosive

  • [W] Voiced Palatal Lateral Approximant

  • [W] Voiced Palatal Nasal

  • [W] Voiced Palatal Plosive

  • [W] Voiced Pharyngeal Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Postalveolar Affricate

  • [W] Voiced Postalveolar Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Retroflex Approximant

  • [W] Voiced Retroflex Flap

  • [W] Voiced Retroflex Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Retroflex Lateral Approximant

  • [W] Voiced Retroflex Nasal

  • [W] Voiced Retroflex Plosive

  • [W] Voiced Uvular Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Uvular Implosive

  • [W] Voiced Uvular Nasal

  • [W] Voiced Uvular Plosive

  • [W] Voiced Uvular Trill

  • [W] Voiced Velar Approximant

  • [W] Voiced Velar Fricative

  • [W] Voiced Velar Implosive

  • [W] Voiced Velar Lateral Approximant

  • [W] Voiced Velar Plosive

  • [W] Voiceless Alveolar Affricate

  • [W] Voiceless Alveolar Lateral Fricative

  • [W] Voiceless Alveopalatal Affricate

  • [W] Voiceless Alveopalatal Fricative

  • [W] Voiceless Bilabial Fricative

  • [W] Voiceless Epiglottal Fricative/Trill

  • [W] Voiceless Labiovelar Fricative

  • [W] Voiceless Postalveolar Affricate

  • [W] Voiceless Postalveolar Fricative

  • [W] Voiceless Retroflex Fricative

  • [W] Voiceless Retroflex Plosive

  • [W] Voiceless Velar Fricative


  • [W] Consonant

  • [W] Syllabic Consonant

  • [W] Vocalic Consonant

  • [W] Voiced Consonant

  • [W] Voiceless Consonant


  • Where is the tongue?: front, central/mid, back

  • How closed/open is the vocal tract?: closed, near-closed, closed-mid, mid, open-mid, near-open, open

  • Are the lips rounded/unrounded?: rounded, unrounded


  • [W] Close Back Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Close Central Rounded Vowel

  • [W] Close Central Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Close-Mid Back Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Close-Mid Central Rounded Vowel

  • [W] Close-Mid Central Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Mid Central Vowel

  • [W] Near-Close Near-Back Rounded Vowel

  • [W] Near-Close Near-Front Rounded Vowel

  • [W] Near-Close Near-Front Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Near-Open Central Vowel

  • [W] Open-Mid Back Rounded Vowel

  • [W] Open-Mid Back Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Open-Mid Central Rounded Vowel

  • [W] Open-Mid Central Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Open-Mid Front Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Open Back Rounded Vowel

  • [W] Open Back Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Open Front Rounded Vowel

  • [W] Schwa


  • [W] Back Vowel

  • [W] Central Vowel

  • [W] Closed Vowel

  • [W] Front Vowel

  • [W] Nasal Vowel

  • [W] Open Vowel

  • [W] Rounded Vowel

  • [W] Unrounded Vowel

  • [W] Vowel


  • [W] Ladefoged, Peter (1925-2006)


[W] Vocal Tract

  • [W] Alveolar Ridge

  • [W] Cheek

  • [W] Epiglottis

  • [W] Glottis

  • [W] Hard Palate

  • [W] Larynx

  • [W] Lips

  • [W] Lungs

  • [W] Nasal Cavity

  • [W] Nose

  • [W] Nostril

  • [W] Oral Cavity

  • [W] Pharynx

  • [W] Sinus

  • [W] Soft Palate

  • [W] Teeth

  • [W] Tongue

  • [W] Trachea

  • [W] Uvula

  • [W] Velum

  • [W] Vocal Fold

[W] Place of Articulation

  • [W] Alveolar

  • [W] Approximant

  • [W] Bilabial

  • [W] Coronal (the front of the tongue)

    • [W] Retroflex

  • [W] Dorsal (the back of the tongue)

    • [W] Palatal

    • [W] Uvular

    • [W] Velar

  • [W] Dental

  • [W] Dentialveolar

  • [W] Glottal

  • [W] Guttural

  • [W] Labiodental

  • [W] Laryngeal

    • [W] Pharyngeal

  • [W] Postalveolar

    • [W] Palatoalveolar

[W] Manner of Articulation

  • [W] Click

  • [W] Ejective

  • [W] Obstruent (non resonant speech sound)

    • [W] Affricate

    • [W] Fricative (Spirant, Strident)

      • [W] Sibilant

    • [W] Occlusive

    • [W] Stop (Plosive)

      • [W] Implosive

    • [W] Tenuis

  • [W] Sonorant (resonant speech sound)

    • [W] Liquid

      • [W] Lateral

      • [W] Rhotic

    • [W] Nasal

    • [W] Semivowel

    • [W] Vowel

  • [W] Flap/Tap

  • [W] Oral

  • [W] Trill

Lingual Shape

  • [W] Alveopalatal

  • Grooved

  • [W] Palatoalveolar

  • [W] Retroflex

Lingual Point of Contact

  • [W] Apical

  • [W] Laminal

  • [W] Subapical

Airstream Mechanism

  • [W] Click

  • [W] Ejective

  • [W] Implosive

  • [W] Pulmonic


  • [W] Airstream Mechanism

  • [W] Alaryngeal Speech

  • [W] Articulatory Phonetics

  • [W] Aspiration

  • [W] Basis of Articulation

  • [W] Coarticulation

  • [W] Debuccalization

  • [W] Egressive

  • [W] Esophageal Speech

  • [W] Fortition

  • [W] Gemination

  • [W] Human Voice

  • [W] Ingressive

  • [W] Labialization

  • [W] Length

  • [W] Lenition

  • [W] Nasalization

  • [W] Palatalization

  • [W] Pharyngealization

  • [W] Phone

  • [W] Phonetics

  • [W] Preaspiration

  • [W] R-Colored Vowel (Rhotacized Vowel)

  • [W] Relative Articulation

  • [W] Secondary Articulation

  • [W] Stricture (Degree of Contact)

  • [W] Sulcalization

  • [W] Velarization

  • [W] Voice Quality Symbol

  • [W] Vowel Length
