History and Philosophy of Science

History and Philosophy of Science#


[H] UPitt’s Department of History and Philosophy of Science


Bloor, David. (1997). “Remember the Strong Program?”.

[W] Chalmers, Alan. (1976). What Is This Thing Called Science?. University of Queensland Press.

Duhem, Pierre. (1906/1991b). The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory. Princeton University Press.

Duhem, Pierre. (1969). To Save the Phenomena, an Essay on the Idea of Physical Theory from Plato to Galileo. University of Chicago Press.

Feyerabend, Paul. (1975). “How to Defend Society Against Science”.

Godfrey-Smith, Peter. (2003). Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. University of Chicago Press.

Hempel, Carl. (1973). “Rudolf Carnap, Logical Empiricist”. Synthese. JSTOR.

[W] Kuhn, Thomas. (1962/1970a). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd Ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1970, 2nd edition, with postscript).

[W] Lakatos, Imre. (1976). Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery. Cambridge University Press.

Lakatos, Imre. (1970b). editor with A. Musgrave: Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[W] Latour, Bruno. (1987). Science in Action. Harvard University Press.

Popper, Karl. (1963). Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge. London: Routledge.

[W] Popper, Karl. (1959) [2002]. The Logic of Scientific Discovery. translation by the author of Logik der Forschung (1935). London: Hutchinson. Republished 2002, London & New York: Routledge Classics.


  • [S][W] Ayer, A. J. (1910-1989)

  • [S][W] Bacon, Francis (1561-1626)

  • [S][W] Bloor, David (1942-)

  • [S][W] Carnap, Rudolf (1891-1970)

  • [S][W] Cassirer, Ernst (1874-1945)

  • [S][W] Chalmers, Alan (1939-)

  • [S][W] Comte, Auguste (1798-1857)

  • [S][W] Duhem, Pierre (1861-1916)

  • [S][W] Einstein, Albert (1879-1955)

  • [S][W] Feyerabend, Paul (1924-1994)

  • [S][W] Feynman, Richard (1918-1988)

  • [S][W] Godfrey-Smith, Peter (1965-)

  • [S][W] Hacking, Ian

  • [S][W] Hempel, Carl (1905-1997)

  • [S][W] Kitcher, Philip

  • [S][W] Kuhn, Thomas (1922-1996)

  • [S][W] Lakatos, Imre (1922-1974)

  • [S][W] Latour, Bruno (1947-2022)

  • [S][W] Mach, Ernst (1838-1916)

  • [S][W] Poincaré, Henri (1854-1912)

  • [S][W] Popper, Karl (1902-1994)

  • [S][W] Putnam, Hilary (1926-2016)

  • [S][W] Quine, Willard Van Orman (1908-2000)

  • [S][W] Reichenbach, Hans (1891-1953)

  • [S][W] Schlick, Moritz (1882-1936)

  • [S][W] Van Fraassen, Bas


  • [W] Abduction

  • [W] Baconian Method

  • [W] Berlin Circle

  • [W] Commensurability

  • [W][S] Confirmation

  • [W] Deductive-Nomological Model

  • [W] Demarcation Problem

  • [W] Duhem-Quine Thesis

  • [W] Experiment

  • [W] Falsifiability

  • [W] History and Philosophy of Science

  • [W] History of Science

  • [W] History of Science and Technology

  • [W] Hypothesis

  • [W] Inductivism

  • [W][S] Laws of Nature

  • [W] Logical Empiricism

  • [W] Logical Positivism

  • [W] Normal Science

  • [W] Paradigm

  • [W] Paradigm Shift

  • [W] Philosophy of Science

  • [W] Positivism

  • [W] Problem of Induction

  • [W] Reductionism

  • [W] Science

  • [W] Scientific Community

  • [W][S] Scientific Explanation

  • [W][S] Scientific Method

  • [W] Scientific Method, history

  • [W][S] Scientific Observation

  • [W][S] Scientific Progress

  • [W][S] Scientific Realism

  • [W] Scientific Revolution

  • [W][S] Scientific Theory

  • [W] Testability

  • [W] Theory of Everything

  • [W] Tree of Knowledge

  • [W] Unity of Science

  • [W] Verificationism

  • [W][S] Vienna Circle

PHIL 410#

  • PGS 1-18 Introduction

Logical Empiricism

  • PGS 19-38 “Logic Plus Empiricism”

  • Hempel, Carl. (1973). “Rudolf Carnap, Logical Empiricist”. Synthese. JSTOR.

Popper and Falsificationism

  • PGS 57-74 “Popper: Conjecture and Refutation”

  • Popper, “Conjectures and Refutations”

Kuhn and Paradigms

  • PGS 75-86 “Kuhn and Normal Science”

  • Kuhn Ch.9-10 pp.92-135

Lakatos and Research Programs

  • Chalmers Ch.9 pp.130-141 “Research Programs”

  • Lakatos “Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programs”

Feyerabend and Anarchism

  • Chalmers Ch.10 pp.149-157 “Feyerabend”

  • PGS Ch.7 pp.110-117 “Anything Goes”

  • Feyerabend “How to Defend Society Against Science”

Sociology of Science

  • PGS pp.122-135 “The Challenge from Sociology of Science”

  • Bloor “Remember the Strong Program?”

Feminism and Epistemology

  • Harding “The Method Question”

  • Harding “Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology”

Feminist Science Studies

  • Haraway pp.489-515 “Primatology is Politics by Other Means”

Alternative Perspectives on Knowledge; Knowledge and Evolution

  • Allen pp.94-120 “Dionysian Epistemology”

  • Allen pp.122-145 “Stuck in the Order of Discourse”

  • Allen pp.171-203 “Evolving Knowledge”

  • Allen pp.203-215 “The Chimpanzee’s Tool”

Constructing Facts; Scientific Strategies; Laboratories and Machines

  • Latour pp.1-17 “Intro”, “When Enough is Never Enough”

  • Latour pp.21-38 “Literature”, “Part B: When Controversies Flare Up”

  • Latour pp.38-50 “(3) Being Referred to By Other Texts”, “Part C: Writing Texts”

  • Latour pp. 50-62 “(2) Positioning Tactics”, “(3) The Second Rule of Method”

  • Latour pp.63-70,79-90 “Laboratories”, “Building Up Counter-Laboratories”

  • Latour pp.91-100,103-108 “Laboratories Against Laboratories”, “Machines”

  • Latour pp.108-121 “Translating Interests”

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