Electrical Engineering & Electronics

Electrical Engineering & Electronics#

Table of Contents#


MIT Open Courseware. “Digital Signal Processing”. https://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-6-008-digital-signal-processing-spring-2011/.

[ y ] David Salvia

My Lesson

  • [ y ] 11-01-2021. “Power Electronics (Converter Control) Full Course”.

Nerd’s Lesson

  • [ y ] 07-26-2020. Nerd’s Lesson. “Basic Electronics Part 1”.

Rich Radke

  • [ y ] 08-25-2014. Rich Radke. “DSP Lecture 1: Signals”.

Solid State Workshop

  • [ y ] 03-22-2015. “Essential & Practical Circuit Analysis: Part 1- DC Circuits”.

  • [ y ] 01-04-2014. “An Introduction to Linear AC-DC Power Supplies”.

Zach Star

  • [ y ] 09-09-2023. “Why do Electrical Engineers use imaginary numbers in circuit analysis?”.


  • [ y ] 08-14-2022. Ali the Dazzling. “4 Years of Electrical Engineering in 26 Minutes”.

  • [ y ] 09-08-2023. AlphaPhoenix. “An intuitive approach for understanding electricity”.

  • [ y ] 05-12-2020. The AM Tech. “How I Started in Electronics (& how you shouldn’t)”.

  • [ y ] 03-15-2016. bigclivedotcom. “A simple guide to electronic components.”.

  • [ y ] 08-13-2021. Full Course. “Electronics Fundamentals”.

  • [ y ] 01-28-2021. Messy Circuits. “How to setup a budget Electronics Lab, cheap but functional”.

  • [ y ] 09-09-2022. Noel’s Retro Lab. “Essential Tools For An Electronics Lab”.


  • Janert, Philipp K. (2013). Feedback Control for Computer Science: Introducing Control Theory to Enterprise Programmers. O’Reilly.

  • Lyons, Richard. (2010). Understanding Digital Signal Processing, 3rd Ed. Pearson.

  • Rajewski, Justin. (2017). Learning FPGAs: Digital Design for Beginners with Mojo and Lucid HDL. O’Reilly.


  • Hughes, J. M. (2016). Arduino A Technical Reference: A Handbook for Technicians, Engineers, and Makers. O’Reilly.

  • Iyer, Shivkumar V. (2018). Simulating Nonlinear Circuits with Python Power Electronics: An Open-Source Simulator, Based on Python. Springer.

  • Margolis, Michael; Brian Jepson; & Nicholas Robert Weldin. (2020). Arduino Cookbook: Recipes to Begin, Expand, and Enhance Your Projects. 3rd Ed. O’Reilly.

  • Monk, Simon. (2023). Raspberry Pi Cookbook: Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions. O’Reilly.

  • Monk, Simon. (2017). Electronics Cookbook: Practical Electronic Recipes with Arduino & Raspberry Pi. O’Reilly.

  • Oskay, Windell & Eric Schlaepfer. (2022). Open Circuits: The Inner Beauty of Electronic Components. No Starch Press.

  • Platt, Charles. (2016). Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 3: Sensors for Location, Presence, Proximity, Orientation, Oscillation, Force, Load, Human Input, Liquid and Gas Properties, Light, Heat, Sound, and Electricity. Make Community.

  • Platt, Charles. (2014). Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 2: LEDs, LCDs, Audio, Thyristors, Digital Logic, and Amplification. Make Community.

  • Platt, Charles. (2012). Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 1: Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Switches, Encoders, Relapys, Transistors. Make Community.

  • Scherz, Paul & Simon Monk. (2016). Practical Electronics for Inventors. 4th Ed. McGraw Hill.

Digital Signal Processing

  • [ h ][ g ] Downey, Allen. (2014). Think DSP. Green Tea Press.

  • Lyons, Richard. (2010). Understanding Digital Signal Processing. 3rd Ed. Pearson.

  • Serpedin, Erchin; Thomas Chen; & Dinesh Rajan. (2017). Mathematical Foundations for Signal Processing, Communications, and Networking. CRC Press.

  • [ g ] Unpingco, Jose. (2014). Python for Signal Processing. Springer.


  • [ w ] Digital Sensor

  • [ w ] Network Analysis

  • [ w ] Virtual Ground

  • [ w ] ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter

  • [ w ] AAF Anti-Aliasing Filter

  • [ w ] Analog Electronics

  • [ w ] Analog Signal

  • [ w ] ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit

  • [ w ] Balanced Line

  • [ w ] Bandwidth

  • [ w ] BPF Bandpass Filter

  • [ w ] Causal Filter

  • [ w ] Causal System

  • [ w ] Continuous Time

  • [ w ] Control Theory

  • [ w ] Convolution

  • [ w ] Convolution Theorem

  • [ w ] Difference Equation

  • [ w ] Digital Filter

  • [ w ] DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter

  • [ w ] DSP Digital Signal Processing

  • [ w ] Dirac Delta Function

  • [ w ] Discrete Time

  • [ w ] Dynamical System

  • [ w ] Electric Power Distribution

  • [ w ] Electrical Engineering

  • [ w ] Electronic Engineering

  • [ w ] Electronic Circuit

  • [ w ] Electronic Filter

  • [ w ] FFT Fast Fourier Transform

  • [ w ] Filter, mathematical

  • [ w ] Filter

  • [ w ] Filter Design

  • [ w ] FIR Finite Impulse Response Filter

  • [ w ] FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array

  • [ w ] Fourier Analysis

  • [ w ] Frequency Domain

  • [ w ] Frequency Response

  • [ w ] Half-Power Point

  • [ w ] HPF High-Pass Filter

  • [ w ] IRF Impulse Response (Function)

  • [ w ] In Band Signaling

  • [ w ] IIR Infinite Impulse Response Filter

  • [ w ] Information Theory

  • [ w ] Integrated Circuit

  • [ w ] Kronecker Delta Function

  • [ w ] Laplace Transform

  • [ w ] Linear Phase

  • [ w ] LTI Linear Time-Invariant System

  • [ w ] LPF Low-Pass Filter

  • [ w ] Non Recursive Filter

  • [ w ] Operational Calculus

  • [ w ] Phase Response

  • [ w ] Pulse

  • [ w ] Pulse Shaping

  • [ w ] Recurrence Relation

  • [ w ] Recursive Filter

  • [ w ] Signal

  • [ w ] Signal Processing

  • [ w ] Signaling

  • [ w ] Smart Grid

  • [ w ] Soldering

  • [ w ] Spectral Analysis

  • [ w ] State Estimator/Observer

  • [ w ] System Analysis

  • [ w ] Telecommunication

  • [ w ] TIV Time-Invariant System

  • [ w ] Time-Scale Calculus

  • [ w ] Time Domain

  • [ w ] Time Signal

  • [ w ] Transfer Function

  • [ w ] Unit Impulse

  • [ w ] Window Function

  • [ w ] Z-Transform