
Table of Contents#


  • [ y ] 03-14-2022. freeCodeCamp. “Advanced OpenGL Tutorial – Skeletal Animations with Assimp”.

  • [ y ] 12-16-2023. Stanford Online. “Stanford Seminar - Foundations of Spatial Perception for Robotics”.


  • [ w ] Asimov, Isaac (1920-1992)

  • [ w ] Čapek, Karel (1890-1938)

  • [ w ] Da Vinci, Leonardo (1452-1519)

  • [ w ] De Vaucanson, Jacques (1709-1782)

  • [ w ] Tesla, Nikola (1856-1943)

  • [ w ] Torres Quevado, Leonardo (1852-1936)

  • [ w ] Wiener, Norbert (1894-1964)

  • [ w ] Winfield, Alan (1956-)


  • [ w ] Actuator

  • [ w ] Android

  • [ w ] Automaton

  • [ w ] Bio-Inspired Robotics

  • [ w ] Biomimetics

  • [ w ] Bionics

  • [ w ] Body Schema

  • [ w ] Carbon Nanotube

  • [ w ] Computer Vision

  • [ w ] Context Awareness

  • [ w ] Cybernetics

  • [ w ] Digesting Duck

  • [ w ] Drone

  • [ w ] End Effector

  • [ w ] Humanoid Robot

  • [ w ] Industrial Robot

  • [ w ] Kinematics

  • [ w ] Leonardo’s Robot

  • [ w ] Linear Actuator

  • [ w ] Mobile Robot

  • [ w ] Nanorobotics

  • [ w ] Proprioception

  • [ w ] Robonaut

  • [ w ] Robot History

  • [ w ] Robot Locomotion

  • [ w ] Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

  • [ w ] Robotic Sensing

  • [ w ] Robotic Sensors

  • [ w ] Robotics

  • [ w ] Rossum’s Universal Robots (R.U.R.)

  • [ w ] Sensory-Motor Map

  • [ w ] Shadow Hand

  • [ w ] Spatial Contextual Awareness

  • [ w ] Three Laws of Robotics

  • [ w ] Unimate

  • [ w ] Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)