Lucas Numbers


Lucas Numbers#


Lucas Numbers

\( \begin{aligned} L(n) &= \begin{cases} 2 & n = 0 \\ 1 & n = 1 \\ L(n - 1) + L(n - 2) & n \gt 1 \\ \end {cases} \\ &= 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, \dotsc \end {aligned} \)

We can compute the \(n\)-th Lucas number recursively.

            /              \
       L(13)                L(14)
      /     \              /     \
 L(11)       L(12)    L(12)       L(13)
/     \     /     \  /     \     /     \

\(T(n) = \Theta(2^n)\)

The height of this tree is \(n\).

Alternative approach which trades time for space: add a linear space requirement to reduce exponential time to linear time.

Compute \(L(6)\).

  • First, initialize an array of size \(7\).

  • Traverse down the left side to \(L(0)\).

  • Then up to \(L(1)\).

  • Then up to \(L(2)\): fetch \(L(0)\) from the array.

  • Then up to \(L(3)\): fetch \(L(1)\) from the array.

  • Then up to \(L(4)\): fetch \(L(2)\) from the array.

  • Then up to \(L(5)\): fetch \(L(3)\) from the array.

  • Then up to \(L(6)\): fetch \(L(4)\) from the array.

                             /                                                  \
                         L(5)                                                    L(4)
                        /                        \                              /               \
                    L(4)                          L(3)                      L(3)                 L(2)
                   /         \                   /         \               /          \         /    \
               L(3)           L(2)           L(2)           L(1)       L(2)            L(1) L(1)      L(0)
              /    \         /    \         /    \         /          /    \          /    /
          L(2)      L(1) L(1)      L(0) L(1)      L(0) L(0)       L(1)      L(0)  L(0) L(0)
         /   \
     L(1)     L(0)
