Binary Analysis & Malware

Binary Analysis & Malware#

Table of Contents#


  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] GNU Debugger (GDB)

  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] gdbinit

  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] gef

  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] Ghidra

  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] Interactive Disassembler (IDA) Pro

  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] McSema

  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] OllyDbg

  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] Python Exploit Development Assistance (PEDA) for GDB

  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] pwndbg

  • [ h ][ g ][ w ] Radare2

  • [ h ][ d ][ w ] VirusTotal



  • [ y ] 02-25-2022. Low Byte Productions. “[stream] USB: Reverse Engineering and Writing Drivers”.

  • [ y ] 12-31-2023. screeck. “Executing shellcode in memory | Malware Development”.


  • Andriesse, Dennis. (2018). Practical Binary Analysis: Build Your Own Linux Tools for Binary Instrumentation, Analysis, and Disassembly. No Starch Press.

  • Eagle, Chris. The IDA Pro Book. No Starch Press.

  • Sanders, Hillary & Joshua Saxe. (2018). Malware Data Science: Attack Detection and Attibution. No Starch Press.

  • Sikorski, Michael & Andrew Honig. Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software. No Starch Press.


  • [ w ] Adware

  • [ w ] Anti Virus

  • [ w ] Binary File

  • [ w ] Botnet

  • [ w ] Cryptovirology

  • [ w ] Decompiler

  • [ w ] Denial of Service (DoS)

  • [ w ] Disassembler

  • [ w ] Debug Symbol

  • [ w ] Debugger

  • [ w ] Hex Editor

  • [ w ] Keystroke Logging

  • [ w ] Kleptography

  • [ w ] Malware

  • [ w ] Malware Analysis

  • [ w ] Malware Research

  • [ w ] objdump

  • [ w ] Ransomware

  • [ w ] Reverse Engineering

  • [ w ] Rogue Security Software

  • [ w ] Rootkit

  • [ w ] Scareware

  • [ w ] Spyware

  • [ w ] Trojan

  • [ w ] Virus

  • [ w ] Wiper

  • [ w ] Worm

  • [ w ] Zombie