File System & Storage


File System & Storage#

What is a file system?

The file system is made up of resources such as files and folders (directories). Folders can contain both folders and files. Files contain neither files nor folders. If a directory x contains a directory y then we say that x is the parent of y. The file system is like an upside-down tree with the root directory at the top of the tree and branches of nested folders terminating in files and empty folders–the leaves of the tree.

We are always in some directory in the filesystem. This directory is called the working directory.

An absolute path (to some resource) is the path (to that resource) relative to the root directory.

A relative path (to some resource) is the path (to that resource) relative to the working directory.


[ h ] Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

[ h ] Btrfs

  • [ y ] Lawrence Systems. 05-11-2022. “The Homelab Show Episode 55: BTRFS”.

  • [ y ] Learn Linux TV. 09-28-2022. “btrfs Filesystem for Linux | Top Docs”.

  • [ y ] Learn Linux TV. 06-14-2022. “Modernize your Linux Storage with btrfs!”.

[ h ] Lustre

[ h ] OpenZFS

  • [ y ] Lawrence Systems. 10-03-2022. “TrueNAS: How To Expand A ZFS Pool”.

  • [ y ] Lawrence Systems. 03-16-2022. “Explaining ZFS LOG and L2ARC Cache: Do You Need One and How Do They Work?”.

  • [ y ] Lawrence Systems. 02-23-2022. “Why The ZFS Copy On Write File System Is Better Than A Journaling One”.

  • [ y ] Lawrence Systems. 10-23-2021. “How to Layout 60 Hard Drives in a ZFS Pool & Benchmarking Performance”.



  • [ w ] 2 GB Limit

  • [ w ] Alias

  • [ w ] Allocate-on-flush

  • [ w ] Allocation Group

  • [ w ] Anonymous Pipe

  • [ w ] [APFS] Apple File System

  • [ w ] B-tree

  • [ w ] B+ Tree

  • [ w ] Backup

  • [ w ] Berkeley Socket

  • [ w ] Block

  • [ w ] Btrfs

  • [ w ] Checksum

  • [ w ] Cluster Shared Volumes

  • [ w ] Clustered File System

  • [ w ] [COW] Copy-on-write

  • [ w ] Data Corruption

  • [ w ] Data Deduplication

  • [ w ] Data Degradation

  • [ w ] Data Loss

  • [ w ] Defragmentation

  • [ w ] Device File

  • [ w ] Differential Backup

  • [ w ] Directory

  • [ w ] Directory Structure

  • [ w ] Dirty Bit

  • [ w ] Door

  • [ w ] Ext2

  • [ w ] Ext3

  • [ w ] Ext4

  • [ w ] Extended File Attributes

  • [ w ] Extent

  • [ w ] File

  • [ w ] [FAT] File Allocation Table

  • [ w ] File Attribute

  • [ w ] File Descriptor

  • [ w ] File Extension

  • [ w ] File Manager

  • [ w ] File Name

  • [ w ] File Permissions

  • [ w ] File Size

  • [ w ] File System

  • [ w ] [FHS] File System Hierarchy Standard

  • [ w ] File Systems

  • [ w ] File Type

  • [ w ] Fragmentation

  • [ w ] Glob

  • [ w ] Group Identifier

  • [ w ] GUID Partition Table

  • [ w ] [HDFS] Hadoop Distributed File System

  • [ w ] Handle

  • [ w ] Hard Link

  • [ w ] Hidden Resource

  • [ w ] [HFS] Hierarchical File System

  • [ w ] HFS Plus

  • [ w ] [HPFS] High Performance File System

  • [ w ] Home Directory

  • [ w ] Incremental Backup

  • [ w ] Inode

  • [ w ] Inode Pointer Structure

  • [ w ] Inotify

  • [ w ] [IPFS] Inter Planetary File System

  • [ w ] [IPC] Inter Process Communication

  • [ w ] [JFS] Journaled File System

  • [ w ] Journaling File System

  • [ w ] [LFS] Large File Support

  • [ w ] [LBA] Logical Block Addressing

  • [ w ] [LVM] Logical Volume Management

  • [ w ] Long File Name

  • [ w ] Lustre

  • [ w ] Memory Paging

  • [ w ] Mount

  • [ w ] Named Pipe

  • [ w ] Network Socket

  • [ w ] [NTFS] New Technology File System

  • [ w ] Path

  • [ w ] Pool

  • [ w ] [POSIX] Portable Operating System Interface

  • [ w ] [RAID] Redundant Array of Independent Disks

  • [ w ] RAID Level

  • [ w ] Reference Counting

  • [ w ] Regular Expression

  • [ w ] [ReFS] Resilient File System

  • [ w ] Resource

  • [ w ] Root Directory

  • [ w ] [SMB] Server Message Block

  • [ w ] Setgid

  • [ w ] Setuid

  • [ w ] Shortcut

  • [ w ] Snapshot

  • [ w ] Stat

  • [ w ] Sticky Bit

  • [ w ] Storage Virtualization

  • [ w ] Symbolic Link

  • [ w ] System Image

  • [ w ] Text File

  • [ w ] Tree Structure

  • [ w ] Tree View

  • [ w ] [UTI] Uniform Type Identifier

  • [ w ] Union Mount

  • [ w ] [UUID] Universally Unique Identifier

  • [ w ] Unix Domain Socket

  • [ w ] Unix File System

  • [ w ] [UFS] Unix File System

  • [ w ] Unix File Types

  • [ w ] User Identifier

  • [ w ] [VFS] Virtual File System

  • [ w ] Working Directory

  • [ w ] XFS

  • [ w ] ZFS