Modular Arithmetic#

Modular arithmetic operates with the remainders of integers when they are divided by a fixed positive integer called the modulus. For the applications such as primality testing and cryptography it is necessary to deal with numbers which are much larger than 32 bits but whose range is nonetheless limited. Modular arithmetic is a system for dealing with restricted ranges of integers.

Ways to think about modular arithmetic:

Modular arithmetic limits numbers to a predefined range \(\{ 0, 1, \dotsc, m - 1 \}\) and wraps around whenever you try to leave this range.

Modular arithmetic deals with all the integers but partitions them into \(m\) equivalence classes each of the form \(\{ i + kN : k \in \mathbb{Z} \}\) for some \(i\) between \(0\) and \(N - 1\)


The congruence relation#


If \(a\) and \(b\) are integers and \(m\) is a positive integer then \(a\) is congruent to \(b\) modulo \(m\) if \(m\) divides \(a - b\).

\( \begin{aligned} a \equiv b \mod m & \quad \iff \quad m \mid (a - b) && \quad \iff \quad \exists k \in \mathbb{Z} \quad a = km + b \\ a \equiv 0 \mod m & \quad \iff \quad m \mid \phantom{(} a && \quad \iff \quad \exists k \in \mathbb{Z} \quad a = km \\ a \equiv 1 \mod m & \quad \iff \quad m \mid (a - 1) && \quad \iff \quad \exists k \in \mathbb{Z} \quad a = km + 1 \\ \end {aligned} \)

We say that \(a \equiv b \mod m\) is a congruence and that \(m\) is its modulus.

Alternative statements of the claim.

Let \(m \in \mathbb{N}\). If two integers \(a\) and \(b\) satisfy \(m \mid a - b\) then…

Let \(m \gt 0\) be a positive integer called the modulus. We say that two integers \(a\) and \(b\) are congruent modulo \(m\) if \(a - b\) is divisible by \(m\).


\(253 \equiv 13 \,(\text{mod } 60)\) because \(253 - 13\) is a multiple of \(60\). (\(253\) minutes is \(4\) hours and \(13\) minutes.)

\(59 \equiv -1 \,(\text{mod } 60)\) because \(59 - (-1)\) is a multiple of \(60\). (When it’s \(59\) minutes past the hour it’s also one minute short of the next hour.)

\(a = b \textbf{ mod } m\) versus \(a \equiv b \mod m\)#

Let \(a\) and \(b\) be integers and \(m\) be a positive integer. Then

\(a \equiv b \mod m\) iff \(a \textbf{ mod } m = b \textbf{ mod } m\)

(“a and b are congruent modulo m iff a and b have the same remainder when divided by m”)

\(a \equiv b \mod m\) is an equivalence relation on the set of integers with many solutions for \(a\) while \(a = f(b, m) = b \textbf{ mod } m\) is an equality, and moreover a function.

\(b \textbf{ mod } m\) denotes the smallest positive integer \(a\) such that \(a \equiv b \mod m\).

In other words, \(b \textbf{ mod } m\) is the remainder when \(b\) is divided by \(m\) as many times as possible. Since \(0 \lt b \textbf{ mod } m \lt m\) it is convention to take \(a = b \textbf{ mod } m\) as the representative of the class of numbers \(a \equiv b \mod m\).



The congruence relation satisfies the properties of an equivalence relation:


\(x \equiv x \mod m\)


\(x \equiv y \mod m \quad \iff \quad y \equiv x \mod m\)


If \(x \equiv y \mod m\) and \(y \equiv z \mod m\) then \(x \equiv z \mod m\).


Sums preserve congruences.

If \(x \equiv y \mod m\) and \(z \equiv t \mod m\) then \(x + z \equiv y + t \mod m\).

It follows that if

\(a \equiv b \mod m\)


\(a + c \equiv b + c \mod m\)

\( \begin{aligned} n \mid (a - b) \quad & \iff \quad nk = a - b \\ \quad & \iff \quad a \equiv b \mod n \\ n \mid (a - b) \quad & \iff \quad n \mid (a \pm c - (b \pm c)) \\ \quad & \iff \quad nk = a \pm c - (b \pm c) \\ \quad & \iff \quad a \pm c \equiv b \pm c \mod n \\ n \mid (a - b) \quad & \iff \quad n (k/c) = a - b \\ \quad & \iff \quad nk = ca - cb \\ \quad & \iff \quad ca \equiv cb \mod n \\ \end {aligned} \)


Products preserve congruences.

If \(x \equiv y \mod m\) and \(z \equiv t \mod m\) then \(xz \equiv yt \mod m\).

If \(x \equiv y \mod m\) then for any \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) it is the case that \(x^n \equiv y^n \mod m\) (using induction on \(n\)). This follows from the polynomial rule below.


\( \begin{aligned} 5^4 \equiv \equiv \equiv 2^4 \equiv 2^2 2^2 \equiv 1.1 \equiv 1 \mod 3 \end {aligned} \)


As a consequence of the sum and product rules it follows that

If \(f\) is a polynomial with integer coefficients and \(x \equiv y \mod m\) then \(f(x) \equiv f(y) \mod m\).

(since polynomials are just sums of products)

This means that if

\(a \equiv b \mod m\)


\(a^n \equiv b^n \mod m\)

but it is usually the case that

\(n^a \not\equiv n^b \mod m\)

Thus while performing a sequence of arithmetic operations it is legal to reduce intermediate results to their remainders modulo \(m\) at any stage:

\(2^{345} \equiv (2^5)^{69} \equiv 32^{69} \equiv 1^{69} \equiv 1 \quad(\text{mod } 31)\)

If \(a \equiv b \mod m\) and \(d \mid m\) then \(a \equiv b \mod d\).

Factoring a scalar out of a congruence#


\(kx \equiv ka \mod n \iff x \equiv a \mod n/d\) where \(d = \gcd(n, k)\)

The modulus changes when dividing a congruence if you are dividing both sides of the congruence by a number that is not relatively prime to the modulus. In other words, if the number you’re dividing by shares a common factor with the modulus, you must also divide the modulus by that same common factor to maintain the congruence relation.


\(kx \equiv ka \mod n \iff n \mid k(x - a) \iff n/d \mid (k/d)(x - a)\) where \(d = \gcd(n, k)\)

\( \begin{aligned} \frac{n}{\gcd(n, k)} \Biggm\vert\left( \frac{k}{\gcd(n, k)}(x - a) \right) \end {aligned} \)

By Euclid’s Lemma we know that

\(n/d \mid (k/d)(x - a) \implies\) either \(n/d \mid k/d\) or \(n/d \mid (x - a)\)

And we know that

\( \gcd(n/d, k/d) = \begin{aligned} \gcd\left( \frac{n}{\gcd(n, k)}, \frac{k}{\gcd(n, k)} \right) = 1 \end {aligned} \)

Thus it must be the case that

\(n/d \mid (x - a) \iff x \equiv a \mod n/d\)



\( \begin{aligned} 65y & \equiv & 5 & \mod 10 \\ 5.13y & \equiv & 5.1 & \mod 10/\gcd(5, 10) \\ 13y & \equiv & 1 & \mod 2 \\ \end {aligned} \)

Congruences modulo \(m\) partition the integers into \(m\) equivalence or residue classes.

Multiplicative inverse modulo \(m\)#


If \(m \gt 1\) and \(\gcd(a, m) = 1\) then there is a unique integer \(x\) in \(0 \lt x \lt m\) for which \(ax \equiv 1 \mod m\).

The extended Euclidean algorithm provides a way to compute \(x\) given \(m\) and \(a\). Use the algorithm to find \(x\) and \(y\) such that \(ax + my = gcd(a,m) = 1\). The number \(x\) returned by the algorithm might not be in the interval \(0 < x < m\); if it is not, then either add or subtract \(m\) from it to find an \(x\) in the interval. The number \(x\) is called the multiplicative inverse of a modulo \(m\) and is sometimes written \(a^{−1} \mod m\). Remember that \(a\) has a multiplicative inverse modulo \(m\) only when \(gcd(a,m) = 1\).


import numpy as np

def euclidex (m : int,
              n : int) -> int:
  assert(n >  0)
  assert(m >= n)

  np.set_printoptions(formatter={'all': lambda x: f"{x:>{1+len(str(m))}}"})

  u = np.array([m, 1, 0]) # u = [m, 1, 0] (as Python list)
  v = np.array([n, 0, 1]) # v = [n, 0, 1] (as Python list)

  while v[0] > 0:
    q = u[0] // v[0]      # math: floor(u_0 / v_0)
    w = u - q*v
    u = v
    v = w
  # print  (f"{u}")

  return u
a = 1031
b =   71
print(euclidex(a, b))
     r     x     y
[ 1031     1     0]
[   71     0     1]
[   37     1   -14]
[   34    -1    15]
[    3     2   -29]
[    1   -23   334]

Modular Arithmetic#


\(x + (y + z) \equiv (x + y) + z \quad(\text{mod } N)\)


\(xy \equiv yz \quad(\text{mod } N)\)


\(x(y + z) \equiv xy + xz \quad(\text{mod } N)\)

Modular Addition#

To add two numbers \(x\) and \(y\) modulo \(N\) we start with regular addition. \(x\) and \(y\) are each in the range \(0\) to \(N - 1\) so their sum is in the range \(0\) to \(2(N - 1)\). When the sum exceeds \(N - 1\) we subtract \(N\) so that it falls back into the range \(0\) to \(N - 1\). The overall computations consists of an addition and a possible subtraction of numbers which never exceed \(2N\).

\(T(n) = O(n)\) where \(n = \lceil \log N \rceil\)

Modular Multiplication#

To multiply two numbers \(x\) and \(y\) modulo \(N\), we start with regular multiplication and then reduce the answer modulo \(N\). The product can be as large as \((N - 1)^2\) but this is still at most \(2n\) bits long since \(\log (N - 1)^2 = 2 \log (N - 1) \le 2n\). To reduce the answer modulo \(N\) we compute the remainder upon dividing it by \(N\) using the quadratic-time division algorithm. Multiplication thus remains a quadratic operation.


\(T(n) = \underbrace{\quad\quad O(n^2) \quad\quad}_{\text{multiplication}} + \underbrace{\quad\quad O(n^2) \quad\quad}_{\text{reduction modulo \textit{N} via division}} = O(n^2)\)

Modular Division#

In ordinary arithmetic there is just one tricky case–division by zero. In modular arithmetic there are other tricky cases.

When division is legal, its running time is

\(T(n) = O(n^3)\)

Modular Exponentiation#

Can \(x^y \mod N\) be computed quickly for values of \(x\), \(y\), and \(N\) that are several hundred bits long? The result is some number modulo \(N\) and is therefore itself a few hundred bits long. The raw value \(x^y\) could be much longer. When \(x\) and \(y\) are just \(20\text{-b}\) numbers \(x^y\) is at least \((2^{19})^{2^{19}} = 2^{(19)(524,288)}\) which is about ten million bits long. Imagine what would happen if \(y\) is a \(500\text{-b}\) number. To make sure the numbers we are dealing with never grow too large, we need to perform all intermediate computations modulo \(N\).

Calculate \(x^y \mod N\) by repeatedly multiplying by \(x \mod N\). The resulting sequence of intermediate products \(x \mod N \to x^2 \mod N \to \dotsb \to x^y \mod N\) consists of numbers smaller than \(N\), so the individual multiplications do not take too long. But if \(y\) is \(500\) bits long we need to perform \(y - 1 \approx 2^{500}\) multiplications which is exponential in the size of \(y\).

It will be better to start with \(x\) and repeatedly square modulo \(N\): \(x \mod N \to x^2 \mod N \to x^4 \mod N \to x^8 \mod N \to \dotsb \to x^{2^{\lfloor \log y \rfloor}} \mod N\).

Each squaring takes \(O(\log^2 N)\) and there are \(\log y\) multiplications

To determine \(x^y \mod N\) multiply together the subset of these powers corresponding to \(1\) s in the binary representation of \(y\).


algorithm decomposition

\(x^{25} = x^{11001_2} = x^{10000_2} \cdot x^{1000_2} \cdot x^{1_2} = x^{16} \cdot x^8 \cdot x^1\)

For multiplication the terms \(x \cdot 2^i\) come from repeated doubling. For exponentiation the terms \(x^{2^i}\) come from repeated squaring

This algorithm implements the following recursive rule.

\( x^y = \begin{cases} (x^{\lfloor y/2 \rfloor})^2 & \text{if \textit{y} is even} \\ x \cdot (x^{\lfloor y/2 \rfloor})^2 & \text{if \textit{y} is odd} \\ \end {cases} \)

 INPUT    two n-bit integers x and N, and an integer exponent y
OUTPUT    x^y mod N

MODEXP (x, y, N)
1    if y = 0
2        return 1
4    z = MODEXP(x, floor(y/2), N)
6    if even(y)
7        return  z^2 mod N
8    else
9        return xz^2 mod N


The recursive rule is transparently correct. Checking that the algorithm is correct is a matter of verifying that it mimics the rule and that it handles the base case \(y = 1\) properly.


Let \(n\) be the size in bits of \(x\), \(y\), and \(N\) (whichever is the largest of the three). As with multiplication, the algorithm will halt after at most \(n\) recursive calls and during each call it multiplies \(n\)-bit numbers (doing computation modulo \(N\) saves us here) for a total running time of

\(T(n) = \underbrace{\quad\quad O(n) \quad\quad}_{\text{recursive calls}} \times \underbrace{\quad\quad O(n^2) \quad\quad}_{\text{multiplication}} = O(n^3)\)


\( \begin{aligned} s^d = \begin{cases} ss^{2(d-1)/2} & d \text{ odd} \\ s^{2d/2} & d \text{ even} \\ \end {cases} \end {aligned} \)

\( \begin{aligned} s^{10} &= (s^2)^{5} \\ s^{5} &= s(s^2)^2 \\ \end {aligned} \)

Multiplicative Inverse
