Vector Calculus

Vector Calculus#


28 Apr 2023



[Y] Kathy Loves Physics & History. (15 Mar 2023). “How Maxwell’s Equations (and Quaternions) Led to Vector Analysis”. YouTube.

[Y] Kathy Loves Physics & History. (27 Sep 2022). “Maxwell’s Equations Explained: Supplement to the History of Maxwell’s Eq.”. YouTube.

[Y] Physics Explained. (31 Mar 2023). “Drawing the Spherical Volume Element in Python”. YouTube.


  • [W] Conservative Vector Field

  • [W] Curvilinear Coordinates

  • [W] Cylindrical Coordinate System

  • [W] Differential Form

  • [W] Differential Geometry of Surfaces

  • [W] Divergence Theorem

  • [W] First Fundamental Form

  • [W] Flux

  • [W] Fundamental Theorem of Vector Calculus (Helmholtz Decomposition)

  • [W] Green’s Theorem

  • [W] Maxwell’s Equations

  • [W] Normal

  • [W] Orientability

  • [W] Solenoid

  • [W] Solenoidal Vector Field

  • [W] Stokes’ Theorem

  • [W] Stream Function

  • [W] Surface Integral

  • [W] Volume Element

  • [W] Volume Integral