Variational Calculus


Variational Calculus#


07 Mar 2023


YouTube Channels

  • [Y] Good Vibrations with Freeball

    • [Y] Good Vibrations with Freeball. (08 Apr 2021). “The Brachistochrone Problem”. YouTube.

    • [Y] Good Vibrations with Freeball. (30 Mar 2021). “The Hanging Chain (Catenary) Problem”. YouTube.

    • [Y] Good Vibrations with Freeball. (22 Oct 2020). “Introduction to Variational Calculus - Deriving the Euler-Lagrange Equation”. YouTube.

YouTube Videos

  • [Y] 3Blue1Brown. (01 Apr 2016). “The Brachistochrone, with Steven Strogatz”. YouTube.

  • [Y] Faculty of Khan. (04 Aug 2021). “Calculus of Variations”. YouTube.


  • [W] Brachistochrone Curve

  • [W] Calculus of Variations

  • [W] Euler-Lagrange Equation

  • [W] Functional

  • [W] Functional Derivative

  • [W] Fundamental Lemma of the Calculus of Variations

  • [W] Newton’s Minimal Resistance Problem

  • [W] Optimal Control

  • [W] Tautochrone Curve

  • [W] Variational Derivative