Linear Algebra#

Table of Contents#



  • [ RealPython ] 01-23-2023 Candido, Renato. “Linear Algebra in Python: Matrix Inverses and Least Squares”.


  • [ y ] ------2019 3Blue1Brown (Grant Sanderson). “Essence of Linear Algebra”.

  • [ y ] 08-14-2019 Geek’s Lesson. “Linear Algebra for Beginners | Linear algebra for machine learning”.

  • [ y ] 05-15-2024 LunarTech. “Linear Algebra Crash Course - Mathematics for Machine Learning and Generative AI [Full 7h]”.

  • [ y ] 12-01-2023 Michael Penn. “The unreasonable effectiveness of linear algebra.”.

  • [ y ] ------2019 Morton, Jason. [ Penn State’s MATH 436 - Linear Algebra ]

  • [ y ] 04-08-2024 Mutual Information. “Is the Future of Linear Algebra.. Random?”.

  • [ y ] 05-27-2021 Yuta A. “3D Rotation & Projection using Python / Pygame”.

  • [ y ] 03-05-2020 Zach Star. “Dear linear algebra students, This is what matrices (and matrix manipulation) really look like”.


  • [ h ][ w ] Strang, Gilbert (1934-)


  • Aggarwal, Charu C. (2020). Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook. Springer.

  • [ h ] Axler, Sheldon. (2015). Linear Algebra Done Right. 3rd Ed. Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics.

  • Cameron, Peter J. Notes on Linear Algebra.

  • [ h ] Cherney et al. (2016). Linear Algebra.

  • Golub, Gene H. & Charles F. Van Loan. (2013). Matrix Computations. 4th Ed. Johns Hopkins University.

  • [ h ] Hefferon, Jim. Linear Algebra, 4th Ed.

  • [ h ][ y ] Klein, Philip N. (2013). Coding the Matrix. Newtonian Press.

  • [ h ] Lankham, Isaiah; Bruno Nachtergaele; & Anne Schilling. Linear Algebra - As an Introduction to Abstract Mathematics.

  • Lang, Serge.

  • Olver, Peter J. & Chehrzad Shakiban. (2018). Applied Linear Algebra. 2nd Ed. Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics.

  • [ h ] Petersen, Kaare Brandt & Michael Syskind Pedersen. (2012). The Matrix Cookbook.

  • Roman, Steven. Advanced Linear Algebra. 3rd Ed. Springer Graduate Texts in Mathematics.

  • Shores, Thomas S. (2018). Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis. 2nd Ed. Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics.

  • [ h ] Strang, Gilbert. (2023). Introduction to Linear Algebra. 6th Ed. Wellesley-Cambridge Press.

  • [ h ][ g ] Strang, Gilbert. (2021). Lecture Notes for Linear Algebra.

  • [ h ] Strang, Gilbert. (2020). Linear Algebra for Everyone. Wellesley-Cambridge Press.

  • [ h ] Strang, Gilbert. (2019). Linear Algebra and Learning from Data. Wellesley-Cambridge Press.

  • Strang, Gilbert. (2016). Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Ed.

  • [ h ] Strang, Gilbert. (2007). Computational Science and Engineering. Wellesley-Cambridge Press.

  • [ h ] Strickland, Neil. Linear mathematics for applications.

  • [ h ] Treil, Sergei. (2017). Linear Algebra Done Wrong.

  • Tsukada et al. (2023). Linear Algebra with Python: Theory and Applications. Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology.


  • [ w ] Adjacency Matrix

  • [ w ] Array

  • [ w ] Block Matrix

  • [ w ] Colorimetry

  • [ w ] Column-Major Order

  • [ w ] Column Vector

  • [ w ] Definite Matrix

  • [ w ] Diagonal Matrix

  • [ w ] Exterior Algebra

  • [ w ] Gram Matrix

  • [ w ] Grayscale

  • [ w ] Hermitian Matrix

  • [ w ] Hessian Matrix

  • [ w ] Identity Matrix

  • [ w ] Incidence Matrix

  • [ w ] Invertible Matrix

  • [ w ] Jacobian Matrix

  • [ w ] Linear Algebra

  • [ w ] Linear Map

  • [ w ] Logical Matrix

  • [ w ] Matrix

  • [ w ] Matrix Calculus

  • [ w ] Matrix Decomposition

  • [ w ] Matrix Multiplication

  • [ w ] Matrix of Ones

  • [ w ] Matrix Representation

  • [ w ] matrix representation of conic sections

  • [ w ] Multilinear Algebra

  • [ w ] Multivector

  • [ w ] Rotation

  • [ w ] Rotation Matrix

  • [ w ] Row-Major Order

  • [ w ] Row Vector

  • [ w ] Singular Value

  • [ w ] Singular Value Decomposition

  • [ w ] Sparse Matrix

  • [ w ] Square Matrix

  • [ w ] Symmetric Matrix

  • [ w ] Tensor Reshaping

  • [ w ] Transformation Matrix

  • [ w ] Transpose

  • [ w ] Vectorization

  • [ w ] Z-Order Curve

  • [ w ] Zero Matrix